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动感一冬:安全问题需谨记 First and Foremost:Safety(2)

  Smart Sentences
  ① I sort of took a spill. 我摔了一跤。
  take a spill: have a fall; tip over(跌倒,摔倒)。例如:
  Ann tripped on the curb and took a nasty spill.
  ② I was dumb as a rock. 我真笨。
  dumb as a rock: extremely stupid(非常笨)。例如:
  The newcomer is dumb as a rock. I explained the procedure three times and he still couldn't get it.
  ③ I deserve that. 这是我应得的。
  I deserve that: used to admit that the bad thing that happened to you is a consequence of what you said or did(用以承认发生在你身上的不快之事是应得的惩罚)。例如:
  —Mr. Blackstone fired you?
  —Well, I deserved that. I ruined the entire deal.
  ④ But I'm preaching to the choir here. 在这我就不必多说了。
  preach to the choir: waste time by trying to persuade people to think or believe in things that they already think or believe in(对已有相同看法的人鼓吹同样的想法,白费口舌)。例如:
  Bob found himself preaching to the choir when he was telling Jane the advantages of living in the suburbs. She already hates city life.
  ⑤ People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! 正人先正己!
  people (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones: you should not criticize other people for having the same faults that you yourself have(自身有短,休惹他人;正人先正己)。例如:
  He is always criticizing Rick for being unorganized, but I feel that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
  ⑥ You scared the daylights out of me. 你吓死我了。
  scare the daylights out of sb.: make sb. feel extremely scared(让某人非常害怕)。例如:
  Don't come in again without a sound. You scared the daylights out of me.
  ⑦ You really need to be on the ball when it comes to winter activities. 在进行冬季运动的时候真的需要多留心。
  on the ball: very alert and aware of what is happening(机灵,留心)。例如:
  She really was on the ball about the housing market and bought the house at the lowest possible price.
  ⑧ I like where your head's at. 好啊。
  I like where your head's at: used to express approval of other's idea(用以表达对他人看法的认同)。例如:
  —We should go to the mall instead of the supermarket so we can eat, shop and watch a movie in one place.
  —Wonderful, I like where your head's at.

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