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不3D不成活的电影时代 The Era of 3D Movies


  Raz: 2010 was the year of 3D movies. And our film critic, Bob Mondello, I believe is considering whether to file a disability claim after having to sit through[耐着性子看完或听完] all of them, Bob.
  And, anyway, I'm curious about this trend, Bob. And…and in honor of this conversation, I have asked our engineer, Sean Phillips, to work his magic so we can have this conversation, the first radio conversation in 3D.
不3D不成活的电影时代 The Era of 3D Movies  (In 3D) So, Bob, welcome back to the program.
  Mondello: (in 3D) Why, thank you. It's very exciting to be here. I feel like I have added depth.
  Raz: (in 3D) Yeah, this is going to be a historic moment in radio history. But I don't know how… (laughs) I…I don't know how long I can tolerate[忍受] it. Shall we kill this historic moment?

  I know that there were a lot of 3D movies, and I've seen, you know, ads all over the place. But did they do well? I mean, was…was Hollywood's effort worth it?
  Mondello: Oh, they were huge. Let me see, five of the top ten movies of the year were in 3D: Toy Story 3, Alice in Wonderland, Despicable Me, Shrek Forever After and How to Train Your Dragon.

  Raz: Wow!
  Mondello: And if you go a little further, 10 of the top 20. I was doing the calculations[计算], and they made something over $2 billion.
  Raz: Oh! Now, when I've been in the theaters watching a 3D film, and you go to the theaters, obviously, but a lot of times, you're watching it with fellow movie critics. Do other movie critics do what regular people do in the theater—they'll start to sort of reach out into thin air in front of them?

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