到医院探病是一个很大的学问,到底你应该带些什么去?鲜花、水果?还是营养食品?还有到了那里应该说些什么话呢?如果使用英文,你只要简单地说:"I hope you get well soon." 也就是中文说的“祝你早日康复。”
A: Hi there. How are you feeling? Any better?
B: A bit better, thank you.
A: I hope you get well soon.
B: Thank you. I’m sure I will. The doctor said I’ll completely recover by next month at the latest.
"I hope you get well soon." “祝你早日康复。”其实当你去医院探病,带什么东西并不是很重要,只要你有空去陪陪他,相信他一定会早日康复的。除了那句话,你还可以告诉他:"Take care of yourself." “自己多多保重。”
如果你的朋友是因为失恋而得心病,以上两句话就不适用,你应该告诉他:"I hope you feel better." “愿你心情好转。”
去医院探病,首先会问人家觉得怎样。除了说How are you feeling today ? 还可说:(1) Are you all right?(你还好吗?) (2) Are you doing better today?(你今天好些了吗?)。
假如见病人面色不错,可以加上一句Your color is good.;面色比以前好一点,可以说You have a bit more color in your cheeks now.;面色比以前差了,则可以说You have lost color.,只是这一句话往往都不会说出来。当然,你也可以说You look good(你看来不错)、You’re looking better.(你看来好些了)等等。
带什么东西去探病虽然不很重要,但通常都会跟病人谈到,例如:I’ve brought you some flowers / fruit / magazines. Shall I put it / them on your bedside locker?(我给你带了些鲜花╱水果╱杂志来,放在床边柜上好吗?)病人回答,可以说:Yes please. That’s very kind of you.(就放在柜上好了,谢谢你。)
问人家还要住院多久可说:(1) How long will you be here?(你还要在这里住多久?)(2) When are you being released ?(他们什么时候放你出院?)要代亲友问候病人,可说Tom sends his love. 之类。离去前则可以说:Get well soon.(祝早日康复。)或The visiting time has just about ended. I’ll pop in to see you again in the next couple of days. (探病时间快过了,我过几天再来看你。)