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动感一冬:到冰天雪地去 Out Into The Cold(2)

  Smart Sentences
  ① On the plus side... 但从好的方面看……
  on the plus side: positively; from a favorable view or perspective(从有利的一面看,积极地看)。例如:
  My brother spilled water all over my keyboard today. On the plus side, it's much cleaner now.
  ② Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑暗中总有一线光明。
  every cloud has a silver lining: you can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you, used to comfort somebody who's having problems(黑暗中总有一线光明,用以安慰处境不好的人)。例如:
  I'm sorry your business is going badly, but don't despair. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  ③ You're right, as per usual. 你一直都是对的。
  as per usual: like always(与以往一样)。例如:
  As per usual, Brad hasn't touched his books for the first half of the semester.
  ④ I need to stop being such a baby about this. 我不该这么孩子气。
  be a baby about sth.: act like an immature adult about sth.(对某事表现出孩子气)。例如:
  Betty is only leaving for three months and not breaking up with you. Don't be a baby about this.
  ⑤ I'll man up. 去就去吧。
  man up: become tougher, stronger(变得更坚强,更坚韧)。例如:
  Hi, everyone, the competition is about to start. Man up!
  ⑥ It kind of just seems like we'd be
  monkeying around. 这看上去是在玩耍。
  monkey around: handle something very casually; to do something without a real purpose; to play around(调皮捣蛋,闲混,胡混,无所事事)。例如:
  You can call that work? All I see is all four of you monkeying around.
  ⑦ Nuts to them! 管他们呢!
  nuts to sb.: used to express indifference of others' opinions(用以表达对他人看法的不在乎)。例如:
  Don't tell me you still care about what others say about your book. Nuts to them.

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