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共享体育:准备好了吗,阿迪达斯? Adidas, Ready to Go?

阿迪达斯  听力小Tips: 这是一篇CNN记者对Adidas现任CEO赫尔伯特海纳的采访。访谈围绕Adidas的品牌运作、金融危机的影响以及Adidas对2010年世界杯的赞助这三个方面进行。要提高口语水平,打通听力是非常必要的。一来是反复听发音准确的原声材料,进行模仿练习,熟悉英语的语流;再来是通过听带有口音的材料发现口语发音的误区,进行辨音纠正练习。这则材料会给大家的听力理解带来一定的难度,因为海纳是一名德国人,所以他的英语带有德国口音。大家听的时候注意好好辨认。访谈结束会有一段录音材料,是我们特地请外教把海纳的话重新录了一遍,以帮助大家更好地进行区分。


发音:美式发音 语速:180词/分钟 使用方法:泛听+复述
  Hostess: Where does your business make its money, obviously you have 1)tangible aspects such as selling T-shirts, but the intangible such as the brand association with, say, the World Cup. Uh, how lucrative is that for you? Where do you make your money?
  Herbert Hainer: When with the sponsorship like that, you have two different aspects, you have the tangible and the intangible aspect as you have mentioned already. Of course we can already count (on) how many shirts we have sold during the World Cup 2006 in Germany.
  Hostess: How many was it?
  Herbert Hainer: It was over three million 2)replica jerseys from all the teams which were competing, and our brand name, it was 1.5 million just alone from the German Team. We sold over or nearly 15 million balls with the Teamgeist design which was a special design for the World Cup 2006. But this is a tangible 3)asset. But on the other hand, you have so many millions and millions of 4)spectators, TV viewers who are seeing your brand 5)permanently, and then going afterwards into stores and buying your brand. Of course this we can not measure and count. But overall, I think that these investments and as I’ve said before when you see the performance of our company, then this is really worthwhile, and we do not 6)calculate it and name it as a cost, it is an investment into the future of our company.
  Hostess: How has global financial crisis affected your business?
  Herbert Hainer: We can not escape the financial crisis as well, but I’m absolutely convinced that our industry is by far not as affected as some other industry like the car industry, 7)etcetera.
  Hostess: Why?
  Herbert Hainer: I do believe that there is a big desire in the community for people that they wanna be fit, they wanna stay in shape and they wanna do sport. This is point No.1. Point No.2, our products are not that expensive, so we are talking about 50 to 100 Euro, and these products are 8)affordable to a wide variety of people.
  Hostess: In terms of sponsorship, are you getting the returns now that you expected when you signed up for these deals years ago?
  Herbert Hainer: Definitely. Because when you look to(at) the last(past) 10 years and the development and the performance of our company, then you’ll have seen that we have permanently grown our business. And we went from one record year to the other, and this is because we are investing in the future of our business. And an investment into a World Cup is not just for one year whether there is a financial crisis or not. This is a long-term investment in the brand building, and into the performance of our future. And therefore, I’m absolutely convinced I would write this cheque again.
  Hostess: Could you write that cheque in the current economic climate?
  Herbert Hainer: Definitely. I mean we are a very healthy company as you well know. We have a very healthy balance sheet, we are producing a lot of cash, we are very profitable. So, yeah, we are definitely in the position to write this cheque again.

