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别样假期 Holidays Again!


  Powerdisking 恶补电视剧
Powerdisking 恶补电视剧  Meaning: Watching several episodes of a TV show in a row, usually from a DVD box set. This can be done over several evenings, or a marathon weekend.
   I missed the first three seasons of Mad Men, so I spent the past two weekends powerdisking all the episodes in order to be up to date for the premiere of season four later this month.
  Daycation 一日游
Daycation 一日游  Meaning: A day trip or other short vacation that does not require an overnight stay. Also: day-cation.
   If you don't have the time or the money for a vacation this summer, maybe you can spare a few hours for a daycation.
  Naycation 在家度假
Naycation 在家度假  Meaning: Time off from work spent without travelling and without spending money on leisure activities. Also: nay-cation.
   Naycation? No way. With gas prices dropping, it's time to plot a summer road trip.
  Leaf Peeper 赏叶游客
  Meaning: A person who, at the appropriate time during autumn, seeks out an area where many or most of the tree leaves have turned color.
Leaf Peeper 赏叶游客  秋风飒爽,叶儿也纷纷换上新装,这正是个赏叶的季节!于是衍生了赏叶游客,也就是在秋天,选择适当的地点和时间,观赏变换了颜色的各种树叶的游客。到一个没有喧闹声的地方,与大自然亲密接触,呼吸新鲜的空气,这就是赏叶游客的初衷吧。
   Trees cover 95% of the park's 800 square miles, making it a leaf peeper's paradise.
