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群众的智慧 The Wisdom of Crowds

The Wisdom of Crowds 群众的智慧  打开电视机,几乎每档节目你都能看到专家在侃侃而谈,大到解决世界经济危机、股市起伏,小到高考填表志愿、省钱诀窍,专家无所不在,无所不能。但似乎没有人想过,专家真的有这么大的本事吗?《群众的智慧》这本书告诉我们,专家其实也就那么回事。
  在这本令人赞叹不绝的书中,《纽约客》杂志的专栏作家索罗维基致力探讨一个认知上虽很单纯,但实质上却极具复杂度的想法:一大群人比一小群菁英份子还来得聪明,不论这群菁英份子有多聪慧,前者更擅长解决问题,更能酝酿出革新,更能作出智慧决策,甚至能更准确地预测未来。这些似乎与我们直觉不符的想法,可以伸展出许许多多的分枝,深入商业运作、知识的累积、经济体系的整合、乃至我们的每日生活之中。作者带领读者穿越一个又一个的领域,如流行文化、心理学、生物学、经济行为学、人工智能、军事历史以及政治理论等,来证明这个想法在真实世界里是如何运作的。 .

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  More important, there’s no real evidence that one can become expert in something as broad as “decision-making” or “policy” or “strategy.” Auto repair, piloting, skiing, perhaps even management; these are skills that yield to application, hard work and native talent, but forecasting an uncertain future and deciding the best course of action in the face of that future are much less likely to do so. And much of what we’ve seen so far suggests that a large group of diverse individuals will come up with better and more robust forecasts and make more intelligent decisions than even the most skilled decision-maker.
James Surowiecki 作者  We’re all familiar with the absurd predictions that business titans have made. Harry Warner of Warner Brothers pronouncing in 1927, “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”, or Thomas Watson of IBM declaring in 1943, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” These can be written off as amusing 1)anomalies. What can’t be written off though is the 2)dismal performance record of most experts. Between 1984 and 1999, for instance, almost 90% of mutual fund managers underperformed the Wiltshire 5000 Index, a relatively low bar. The numbers for bond fund managers are similar. In the most recent 5-year period, more than 95% of all managed bond funds underperformed the market. After a survey of expert forecasts and analyses in a wide variety of fields, Wharton professor J. Scott Armstrong wrote, “I could find no studies that showed an important advantage for expertise”.
  James Shanteau is one of the country’s leading thinkers on the nature of expertise. Shanteau recounts a series of studies that have found experts’ judgments to be neither consistent with the judgments of other experts in the field nor internally consistent. Experts are also surprisingly bad at what social scientists call “3)calibrating” their judgments. If your judgments are well calibrated, then you have a sense of how likely it is that your judgment is correct. But experts are like normal people—they 4)routinely overestimate the likelihood that they’re right.
  We know that the group’s decision will consistently be better than most of the people in the group and that it will be better decision after decision, while the performance of human experts will vary dramatically depending on the problem they’re asked to solve. So it is unlikely that one person over time will do better than the group. Now it’s possible that a small number of 5)genuine experts do exist. The problem is there is no easy way to identify them. Past performance, as we are often told, is no guarantee of future results, and there are so many would-be experts out there that distinguishing between those who are lucky and those who are genuinely good is often a near impossible task.

  We think that experts will, in some sense, identify themselves, announcing their presence and demonstrating their expertise by their level of confidence. But it doesn’t work that way. Experts are no more confident in their abilities than average people are, which is to say that they are overconfident like everyone else, but no more so. Similarly, there is very little correlation between experts’ self-assessment and their performance. “Knowing” and “knowing that you know” are two very different skills. If this is the case, then why do we cling so tightly to the idea that the right expert will save us? In a sense the crowd is blind to its own wisdom.
  Again, trying to find smart people will not lead you 6)astray; trying to find the smartest person will.
