在国内常常见到一个情景,当本地人帮完一个外国人之后,人家跟你说"Thank you very much. Thanks for everything." 你却一时不知应对,只能腼腆的傻笑。其实你可以跟他说: "You are welcome."今天再教你一句很棒的句子,那就是"The pleasure is all mine." “荣幸之至。”
A: Thank you very much for everything. You’ve been so helpful.
B: The pleasure is all mine. Just let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.
A: Thank you very much, I will. If you happen to come to
甲:非常谢谢你, 我会的。如果你到美国来,请跟我联络呀。
除了"The pleasure is all mine."之外,你还可以说: "It’s my pleasure."或是更简单地说: "My pleasure."
人家向你道谢,说Thank you,你回答可以是You are (most) welcome.或The pleasure is all mine. 意译都是“别客气”。
此外当然还有其它说法。一是Don’t mention it.(请勿挂齿),带点旧时代的客气; 一是Not at all.(一点都不用谢),似乎有点纾尊降贵意味,例如:Thank you for your hospitality. (谢谢你热情招待)、Don’t mention it.(请勿挂齿)、"That’s all right."或That’s okay. 都可译做“没关系”,语气随便而友善,例如:"Thanks for your help, Tom. " "That’s all right. " (“汤姆,谢谢帮忙。”“别客气。”)
It was nothing.(那不算什么。)、It was no trouble.(举手之劳而已。)都是谦称自己没给人什么恩惠,例如:I don’t know what I’d have done without you. (没有你,我当时真不知怎么办。)、 It was nothing. (那算得什么。)
You are welcome. 是美式英语,但在英国也日见通用,例如:Many thanks indeed.(谢谢你啊。)"You are most welcome."(别客气。)把东西递给人家等一些真正的举手之劳,假如获人致谢,可以不答,但也可用这句套语回答。
The pleasure is (all/entirely) mine. 和It is a pleasure. 一样,都是“很高兴能为你效劳”的意思,客气而友善。