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咖啡屋之约 Romance of Café(2)

  Waiter: Espresso?
  Man 1: Hey, man. Thank you.
  Waiter: And a 13)flat white...
  Man 2: Thank you very kindly.
  Narrator: So, how was it?
  Man 2: Very good.
  Narrator: How much did it cost?
  Man 2: Two pounds fifty, I believe.
  Narrator: Was it worth that?
  Man 2: Yeah! Yeah! Definitely!
  Narrator: And how does it compare to other coffee shops in London, like Starbucks?
  Woman 2: Oh, this is one of my favourites. I would never go to Starbucks—absolutely not. This is quite a nice one.

  Narrator: So, Blake, do you see this culture lasting, or will it become 14)anodyne and people'll get sick of it after a few years?
  Blake: I think the danger is that people will 15)rip off everything apart from the good coffee. In fact, I've seen it already: they'll have the decor, they'll offer flat whites, they'll have all the illusions of these 16)obsessive coffee shops, but without the actual really good coffee. And then, that's…I've already started seeing and that's the danger. But places like this—I think there's always gonna be a demand for them.

  Narrator: Coffee houses are mirrors which in some senses reflect the tastes and mentalities of the age. We've seen the desire of the 1950s for the youth of the age to let their hair down and enjoy themselves, a flash of colour after the 17)drabness and 18)austerity of the war years.
  The 21st century's so-called third-wave coffee-house movement reflects that we no longer live in a world where the face-to-face exchange of ideas is a common part of life. We live in an increasingly virtual world with the Internet and television and 24-hour news, and if they reflect anything, it's our almost 19)epicurean desire to consume the finer things in life. And if we briefly cast an eye back across the whole journey, the coffee house has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention and rebirth, and I'm convinced that the third wave is merely the latest 20)incarnation in a long line of coffee houses. And I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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