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极地造天堂 South Pole Station(2)

  And with temperatures hovering at 40 degrees below zero celcius, conditions are more than just uncomfortable. They make working with steel, already the most difficult job on the site, nearly impossible. And when a part doesn't fit, a new one absolutely, positively won't get there overnight.

  Erick Nichols (Iron Worker Foreman): So there's a lotta “Plan B” goin' on.A lotta cuttin' an' 5)weldin' an' we'll get a design from the engineers an' just have to 6)fabricate it here on site; whatever it takes to get it all done.

  But keeping on schedule is no easy task when you can only stay outside for 90 minutes at a time.

  Jeff Bechtel (Iron Worker): The steel seems to suck the temperature right outta ya, if ya have to sit up there for a long time.

  Brian Hardin (Iron Worker): Stay out here long enough, you get a free Antarctic nose job; little here, little there, gone, free of charge.

  7)Frostbite is a constant risk for those who spend their days outside at the Pole. But extreme cold is just one of many obstacles.

  Carlton Walker (Construction Project Manager): Every year's a battle. It's just a different battle. It's weather, it's flights, it's material, it's everything. Every year's different. If it was easy, I wouldn't be here.

  This team has pulled off an amazing feat. The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station completes a dream begun more than a century ago. The first humans to reach this spot could never have imagined the world here today: a world dominated by a building that has pushed engineering and technology to the absolute limit.

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