曾几何时,一个名为《植物大战僵尸》的小游戏让对《生化危机》习以为常的游戏迷重新燃起对僵尸的“热爱”。2010年底,改编自同名漫画的史上第一部僵尸美剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)在网上掀起了收看热潮,电影《生化危机4》横扫全球银幕——还在为《暮色》里的吸血鬼神魂颠倒?好莱坞已经找到它的新宠儿啦!
At George Mason University, 1)Anthropology 396 is called, simply, “Zombies.” The guy behind the class is Professor Jeffrey Mantz, and he says zombies are pretty hot right now.
Mantz: Zombies are on fire.
In a huge 2)auditorium, Professor Mantz is 3)miked, lecturing to an audience of a couple hundred students.
Mantz: This class was…didn't result merely because I had an interest in it. It resulted from the students constantly 4)pestering me about it for the last two years… So when Professor Mantz created his zombie class, he thought he'd get about 50 students.
曼茨:这个班……并不仅仅是因为我对僵尸感兴趣才设立的,而是因为在过去的两年里,不断有学生缠着我要学习这方面的内容…… 所以,当曼茨教授设立僵尸课时,他原以为大概只能收到50名学生。
Mantz: I got 50 within a few days, and pretty soon, we had 235. So they just came in 5)hordes.
Baughman: Like zombies?
Mantz: Like zombies.
So Professor Mantz built his 6)curriculum. And it may sound like an easy-A elective, but the 7)syllabus is actually pretty 8)rigorous. Students have to read texts like The Political Lives of Dead Bodies. And sometimes the course is more like a history class.
Mantz: Zombies ha[ve] an interesting history in the Caribbean. A zombie is historically a…a slave. It's somebody who's possessed. It has 9)myriad meanings in the 10)Haitian context, but...
So that's where you can trace zombies back to: Haiti and the idea of Haitian voodoo注1, where subjects were put into a mindless 11)trance and controlled. And that's pretty much what zombies were in American culture, until...
Mantz: Beginning in 1968, you see a shift that takes place with Romero's Night of the Living Dead注2. And now zombies are essentially walking 12)ghouls, the kinds of figures that you would see in like Michael Jackson's Thriller video or something.
Professor Mantz says zombies changed from mindless ghouls into something more 13)sinister during the Cold War when everyone had nuclear 14)annihilation on the mind.
Mantz: Concerns about radiation and 15)radiological objects falling back to Earth. So you have Night of the Living Dead, which is a 16)reflection of those anxieties and fears put on the screen. At…at the time, that film was regarded as the most terrifying film ever made.
And you'll notice right here, everyone laughs. They think the old zombies from 1968 are mostly funny. But this?
The same 230 students watching a modern zombie movie, 28 Days Later—total silence. Then when the modern zombies attack, they're fast, 17)vicious and terrifying, and Professor Mantz says there's a reason for that.
Mantz: That more or less reflects another kind of social phenomena associated with the digital age, with globalization, with things speeding up, the…the 18)hyper-speed of the Internet…
In other words, if everything else is fast, why shouldn't zombies be, too? And students seem to prefer those zombies. It's a fast world they live in, after all.
Student: Especially people nowadays are so attached to, like, texting on their phones, and they walk around, like, run into, like, street signs, like, they're like a type of zombie. So it's kind of terrifying, too.
Professor Mantz did send me off with a list of eight things you need to know about zombies. This is item seven: MOST WILL EAT YOU IF YOU GET TOO CLOSE. In fact, a large proportion of those who study zombies argue that they are basically a 19)metaphor for 20)consumption.
注2:乔治·A·罗梅罗(George A. Romero, 1940-),促成现代恐怖电影革新的世界僵尸电影之父,其僵尸三部曲——《活死人之夜》(Night of the Living Dead, 1968)、《活死人黎明》(Dawn of the Dead, 1979)及《丧尸出笼》(Day of the Dead, 1986)——不但成了僵尸电影的里程碑,还对现代僵尸进行了准确定义。