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Harvard captures the imagination like few other institutions. World leaders from President Barack Obama to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon are Harvard graduates. Business titans like Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, A.G. Lafley of Procter & Gamble and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs are too. I’ve found the academic training I received at graduate school there invaluable—but I learned even more outside the classroom than in it. Here are three key lessons that helped my career that Harvard didn’t teach me in the classroom. 哈佛像其他几所知名大学一样让人想入非非。美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马和联合国秘书长潘基文这样的世界知名领袖都毕业于哈佛。商业巨头如JP摩根大通的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙、保洁公司总裁A·G·雷富礼和高盛集团董事长兼首席执行官劳埃德·布兰克费恩也都出身哈佛。我发现自己在哈佛研究生院中接受的课堂训练无疑是非常宝贵的——但我在课堂外的实践活动中收获更多。以下是对我的事业大有裨益但在哈佛课堂中并没教授的重要的三课。
I learned the first lesson from my own students. I was a teaching fellow at the time, educating them on China’s modern history and political system. I probably learned more from them than they from me. Every day students would come to my office overlooking Harvard Yard, and we’d usually end up talking about more than just China. We’d discuss their hopes and, more often than not, their fears. They were afraid of not keeping up with their peers and not 1)living up to their parents’ expectations.
They felt this way pretty much across the board. Rich kids and 2)legacies thought they’d gotten there because of their families; minority students worried they were there because of their skin color; brains from humble backgrounds worried they weren’t rich enough to be there. But they themselves couldn’t easily 3)gauge how their work measured up against others’, and this fed their insecurities.
The most brilliant of them, though, didn’t let their fears stop them from thriving. They did the opposite. They had plenty of fear in them, but rather than let it dominate them they used it to motivate them to prove those fears wrong. They worked harder to confirm for themselves that they really did belong. Often the most insecure of them were also the most brilliant.
Businessmen need to conquer their fears too. They need to know how to control their worries and see opportunity where others don’t. Too many businessmen have been letting their fear rather than rational thinking determine their decision-making ever since Lehman Brothers collapsed, and too many investors have been making hasty, panicky decisions. Many 4)equity investors sold all their holdings out of fear and missed the bull market of 2009. Many companies 5)alienated and hurt their workforces by cutting too much.
PepsiCo and Disney are two companies that didn’t let fear 6)paralyze them. They looked coolly around and found opportunities while others were too terrified to make big moves. They announced multibillion-dollar investments in China and other emerging markets in the depths of the financial crisis. Now that we are in the beginnings of a worldwide recovery, those investments are putting them ahead.
The 7)takeaway: 8)Harness fear and use it for positive results, as my most brilliant students did and as the best businessmen do. You can make money in good and bad times if you keep your head on straight, as hedge fund investors like George Soros and John Paulson know.
The second thing I learned was to do my own due 9)diligence and not blindly trust so-called experts. In today’s world it is difficult to know when to trust even your financial advisers. You have to do your own due diligence, even with experts. Due diligence is hard work and costly, but you have no choice.
Finally, I learned that young people need to take stepping-stone positions when they start their careers. Something like 70% of Harvard graduates start out in consulting or investment banking, not just for the money but because those jobs provide good training. If you narrow your focus too early, you risk being 10)pigeonholed. For that reason I am critical of specialized programs in subjects like financial engineering or e-commerce. You’re better off getting a more well-rounded degree.
Young people sometimes ask me what kinds of jobs they should take right out of college. My advice: Do something that won’t limit your opportunities as your career progresses. Don’t worry about money until you’re 30. Until then, find great mentors and make sure you do things that give you exposure to different industries—and, importantly, a little sales experience.
I learned all those things while I was at Harvard, but I didn’t learn them in the classroom.
肖恩·雷恩(Shaun Rein)在哈佛大学取得硕士学位,主攻中国经济。Shaun是战略市场情报公司中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)的创始人和董事总经理。他也是美国《商业周刊》亚洲专栏的撰稿人,并且定期在《福布斯》领导者板块和首席市场运营官板块上发表文章。