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冰岛——冰与火的美丽邂逅 Iceland


  You're soaking in a pool of bubbling hot water. Plumes1) of white steam rise from the ground nearby. Just beyond, snow and ice crest a pink mountain. Ahh ... It's just another day in Iceland.

  What's a Name?

  With a name like Iceland, you'd think ice would be all you could see there. In fact, many visitors head straight for Iceland's most fiery2) sights. You can watch smoking volcanoes. You can relax in steaming hot springs, or pools of water heated by hot rock. You even can see geysers3) spray boiling water in the air.

  Where does all the heat come from? It starts below—way4) below. Iceland sits atop an underwater split in Earth's crust. The split is called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Along this 16,000-kilometer ridge, huge tectonic plates5) slowly pull apart.

  About 20 million years ago, volcanoes erupted along the split. They burped up tons of lava6) and rock. This created a landmass7) that acted like scar tissue8) covering a wound in Earth's crust. That landmass would one day become Iceland.

  At Thingvellir National Park9) you can see the boundary between the plates for yourself. It is a deep rift where the two plates pull apart. Stand on one side and look down into the rift.

  On the west side, you can stand on the North American plate. On the east side is the Eurasian plate. You're looking right between two tectonic plates! Each year, the plates move about an inch farther apart. As they move, the land stretches out to cover more area. In this way, Iceland is slowly growing bigger.

  Sizzling10) Sites

  Sometimes, Iceland grows in more sudden spurts. But volcanoes don't usually pop up every day. It's taken millions of years for volcanoes and lava flows to build Iceland. They've created twisted11), rugged12), and beautiful landscapes.

  Hike through one of Iceland's many ancient lava fields. You might notice something strange. The ground in front of you is steaming! Plumes of white steam rise from the ground. Iceland is covered with steam vents13) and hot springs. The steam comes from naturally heated rocks and hot water below Earth's surface.

  The most famous of Iceland's bubbling hot springs is Blue Lagoon. It is not far from the country's capital city. You can visit the lagoon and soak in its soothing14), milky blue waters. Minerals15) and white mud16) in the water make your skin as soft as a newborn baby's skin. Enjoy that water, because it has traveled a long way.

  It starts nearly two kilometers under Blue Lagoon. There, water from the Atlantic Ocean seeps into the ground. Hot rock heats the water. People use powerful pumps and long pipes to bring the water to the surface.

  Icelanders tap into the natural hot water for more than soaking. They harness17) steam from hot water to spin18) turbines19) and create electricity. People use the electricity to heat homes and even greenhouses.

  Land of Ice

  You've discovered what Iceland's fiery volcanoes can do. What about the ice? After all, Iceland wouldn't be Iceland without ice.

  One-tenth of the country is covered with glaciers20). Glaciers carve the valleys deeper, slowly grinding21) their way toward the sea. The land was first created by lava from volcanoes. Now it's being reshaped by ice.

  The largest glaciers are called icecaps22). Iceland's biggest icecap is enormous. It's larger than all the glaciers in mainland Europe combined. Most people only tour along the edges of this massive icecap. If you are really adventurous, you can explore the icecap itself.

  Ready to go? You'll need plenty of warm clothes. You'll also need a hiking partner. Take a rope, too, in case you fall into a crack hidden in the ice. Looking ahead, there is nothing but white as far as you can see. The brightness is blinding! Everything is silent except for the snow crunching23) under your boots.

  Finally, you reach the top of an ice-covered peak. You've made it up the tallest mountain in Iceland, 2120 meters high. What a view! You can see ice and snow. Far off in the distance, you also see the stark24) green and black plains at the edge of the icecap.


  As you gaze out at the view, you see a stream of smoke. Uh-oh. That's no hot spring! The smoke is coming from a volcano. Iceland is one of the few places on Earth where active volcanoes lie below icecaps. Here, fire literally meets ice. This can make for a dangerous situation.

  Imagine what happens when a fiery volcano erupts under a glacier. Meltdown! First, the melted water creates a lake hidden beneath the ice. As the lake grows bigger, it eventually runs out of space. It overflows. Then a flood of water bursts out of the icecap.

  In 1996, a volcano erupted beneath one of the country's icecaps. The flood that followed was one of the worst Iceland has ever seen. Within hours, the deluge25) washed away bridges, roads, and power lines.

  Extreme Land

  These glacial floods carry more than water. They also carry huge amounts of volcanic ash and black sand. Eventually the flood stops. The ash and sand settle. This forms large black plains called sandurs26). That's the Icelandic name for an area in the western part of the country where you can find the largest sandur on Earth.
  冰川洪水带来的不只是水,它还挟带着大量的火山灰和黑砂。最后,洪水终于停住了脚步,继而火山灰和黑砂也沉淀下来,形成了大片黑色的平原,冰岛人称之为sandur (冰水沉积平原)。Sandur也是冰岛西部一片区域的名字,那里有着世界上最大的冰水沉积平原。

  Fire and ice also meet to create beautiful scenes in another part of Iceland. In English, the place name means "the people's pools". Bubbling hot springs dot the area. Lakes of water from melted glaciers have filled the exploded tops of ancient volcanoes.

  Rugged mountains of volcanic rock poke out of the landscape. Minerals in the rock stripe27) the mountains with magnificent colors—yellow, blue, and brown. The setting sun casts a warm glow over stream-filled valleys.

  These sights, like the rest of Iceland, have a strange and wild beauty. This is a place that's fiery and frozen, strange and spectacular. This is Iceland, a land of fire and ice.

  1. plume [pluːm] n. 羽状物(如烟云、雪尘等)
  2. fiery [ˈfaɪri] adj. 火一般的,如火如荼的;极热的,灼热的
  3. geyser [ˈɡiːzə(r)] n. 【地】间歇(喷)泉
  4. way [weɪ] adv. 远远地,大大地,非常
  5. tectonic plate: 【地】(地壳)构造板块
  6. lava [ˈlɑːvə] n. 【地】熔岩
  7. landmass [ˈlændmæs] n.【地】地块,陆块(尤指大陆)
  8. scar tissue: 疤痕组织
  9. Thingvellir National Park: 辛格维尔国家公园,又名议会旧址国家公园,位于冰岛首都雷克雅未克市东北50公里处,是冰岛著名的国家公园和旅游圣地,素有“世界最古老的民主议会会址”之称。
  10. sizzling [ˈsɪzlɪŋ] adj. <口> 极热的
  11. twist [twɪst] vt. 扭曲
  12. rugged [ˈrʌɡɪd] adj. 高低不平的;多岩石的,多丘陵的
  13. vent [vent] n. 通风孔;(烟雾、蒸汽、液体等的)排放口,出口
  14. soothing [ˈsuːðɪŋ] adj. 安慰的,抚慰性的
  15. mineral [ˈmɪn(ə)rəl] n. 矿物
  16. white mud: 白泥,一种混合物,学名高岭土矿,属于非金属矿产,具有美容功效。
  17. harness [ˈhɑː(r)nɪs] vt. 利用(控制)……以产生动力,利用
  18. spin [spɪn] vt. 旋转
  19. turbine [ˈtɜː(r)baɪn] n. 涡轮机,叶轮机,透平机
  20. glacier [ˈɡlæsiə(r)] n. 冰川,冰河
  21. grind [ɡraɪnd] vt. 磨;磨碎;磨成
  22. icecap [ˈaɪskæp] n.【地】冰盖,冰冠
  23. crunch [krʌntʃ] vi. 发出嘎吱声
  24. stark [stɑː(r)k] adj. 明显的;突出的
  25. deluge [ˈdeljuːdʒ] n. 洪水
  26. sandur: 冰水沉积平原(= outwash plain)
  27. stripe [straɪp] vt. 给……划条纹(或线条),使有条纹(或线条)
