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艺术侦探:高科技寻达·芬奇失踪名画之谜 Art Sleuth: Using High-tech Tools to Solve the Mystery of a Missing Masterpiece


安吉亚里之战  Four hundred fifty years ago, one of the world's greatest masterpieces vanished. Leonardo da Vinci had painted a huge mural2), The Battle of Anghiari, in 1505 to commemorate3) a military victory of the government of Florence, Italy. Even though Leonardo never completed the mural, experts who saw the painting considered it his most impressive work—far more important than his Mona Lisa. The scene of two armies meeting, with clashing horses and soldiers, stretched4) across a wall in the Hall of the 500, where Florence's political leaders used to gather.

  In 1563, a new ruler—who wasn't crazy about a mural that honored the previous government—commissioned5) architect Giorgio Vasari6) to give the hall a makeover. When Vasari covered the walls with six new scenes, The Battle of Anghiari disappeared, seemingly painted over or destroyed. But Maurizio Seracini, an engineer and art detective at the University of California, San Diego, believes Vasari secretly saved Leonardo's mural. New technology is uncovering clues to the fate of the missing masterpiece.

  Hidden Clues   暗藏玄机

  Vasari had a history of secretly protecting paintings. When remodeling7) a church in Florence, he made its artwork seemingly disappear. Three hundred years later, however, workers accidentally found it. Vasari had built a wall in front of the painting to preserve it. Seracini thought, "Maybe he did the same this time to save such an important masterpiece. "

  Seracini set up scaffolding8) to examine the east wall in the Hall of the 500 to search for hints of the missing Leonardo mural. It was then that he spotted9) the Italian words "CERCA TROVA", meaning "seek, and you shall find", painted on a green flag. These were the only words on any of Vasari's murals in the vast hall, and they weren't visible from the floor. "And so I wondered, 'why on Earth would somebody write words that nobody could read?'" Seracini says. He couldn't shake the feeling that the phrase was a clue from Vasari.
  为了找到失踪壁画中的蛛丝马迹,塞拉奇尼在五百人大厅搭起脚手架,对其东侧墙壁进行了仔细排查。就在那时,他在壁画中的一面绿旗上发现了一行意大利文字“CERCA TROVA”,意为“寻找下去,会有发现”。这是瓦萨里在这间广阔的大厅所创作的壁画中留下的唯一字迹。从地面看去,根本无法察觉这些文字。“对此,我感到很疑惑,‘究竟为什么有人会写下这些人们无法看到的文字呢?’” 塞拉奇尼说。他有一种挥之不去的预感:这是瓦萨里留下的一种暗示。

  No one knew exactly where in the hall Leonardo had painted his mural. So Seracini used a thermal imaging10) camera that detects heat energy to create infrared11) images of the hall. Since different materials—such as bricks, stones, and plaster—give off different amounts of infrared radiation, the images revealed the changes Vasari had made to the hall's structure. Seracini explains, "We managed to discover the original windows, the original doors, and the height of the ceiling, and therefore exactly the architectural layout as Leonardo saw it when he started to paint." This evidence, along with details from eyewitness accounts, led experts to conclude that The Battle of Anghiari had covered part of the east wall—right below where the words "CERCA TROVA" now appear.

  Seeing Through Walls   看穿迷墙

  Using portable radar equipment, Seracini next sent microwaves into the wall. Like infrared radiation, microwaves are electromagnetic radiation12)—but with longer wavelengths. "The [microwaves] bounce back13), just like an echo," explains Raymond DuVarney, a physicist at Emory University in Georgia. "The longer it takes to get back, the farther away the surface is." The radar revealed an air gap behind the east wall, with a second wall behind the gap. None of the other walls is concealed14) a similar gap.

  Seracini hypothesizes15) that Vasari had left the gap in front of Leonardo's mural to preserve it. He wanted to test his theory, but without damaging Vasari's mural, which is also a masterpiece, when it seemed that the search had reached a dead end, Seracini spoke at a physics conference. DuVarney was there and heard him challenge the audience by asking, "Can you come up with some way that I can see behind this wall?" No one could. But the next morning, DuVarney woke up with an idea.

  Taking Aim   有的放矢

  The key to DuVarney's plan: The pigments16) in the missing mural's paints got their colors from different chemical elements. For instance, a list of Leonardo's materials reveals that he used white paint containing lead and bright red paint containing mercury17). If researchers could tell which elements were on the hidden wall, they would know which colors were painted there and could make out the design. DuVarney wanted to "activate" these elements so they would give themselves away18). "What you're trying to do is to get the mural behind the wall to shine back at you," he says.

  To accomplish this, DuVarney proposed shooting a beam of neutrons19)—uncharged20) particles21)—through the outer wall. If Leonardo's mural really is on the inner wall, then the nuclei22) of the paint's atoms will absorb these neutrons. This makes the atoms unstable, so they break down and give off gamma rays23)—a type of high energy electromagnetic radiation. Each chemical element emits24) gamma rays of a different energy, so this would reveal the identities of the elements in the paint. "And that would give you the color and the structure," DuVarney says. "And you could see if it matched anything that might resemble25) The Battle of Anghiari."
  为此,杜·瓦尼提议用中子束——不带电荷的粒子——来穿透外墙。如果暗墙上确有达·芬奇的壁画,那么颜料原子中的原子核就会吸收这些中子,从而使原子结构失去稳定性,继而发生分解,释放出伽马射线——一种高能电磁辐射。不同的化学元素会释放出不同能量级的伽马射线,这些射线昭示了壁画上的元素种类。“这样你就能获知壁画的颜色和构图,” 杜·瓦尼说,“然后比对一下,看看所得图像是否符合《安吉亚里之战》的概貌。”

  Seracini has already tested the new technology on mock26) walls painted with the types of pigments Leonardo used. The final step is to build a portable machine to take to Florence to scan the real thing. Seracini hopes to solve the mystery by the end of this year, but he doesn't plan to stop there. He says, "Once we have built this portable unit, we use this technology to search for hundreds of other murals hidden everywhere on the planet."

  1. sleuth [slu:W] n. <口> 侦探;侦查者
  2. mural [5mjuErEl] n. 壁画,壁饰
  3. commemorate [kE5memEreIt] vt. 纪念
  4. stretch [stretF] vi. 伸展,延伸
  5. commission [kE5mIFEn] vt. 委托制作(或做、完成) (某事物)
  6. Giorgio Vasari: 乔治·瓦萨里(1511~1574),意大利画家、建筑师和美术史家,其画风属风格主义,代表作为《百日壁画》,尤以著作《意大利杰出建筑师、画家和雕塑家传》而闻名。
  7. remodel [7ri:5mCdEl] vt. (按另一模型或样式)改造,改制;改建
  8. scaffolding [5skAfEldIN] n. 【建】脚手架;脚手架组
  9. spot [spCt] vt. <口> 发现;发觉;
  10. thermal imaging: 热成像
  11. infrared [7InfrE5red] adj. 红外线的;红外区的
  12. electromagnetic radiation: 电磁辐射
  13. bounce back: 弹回;跳回
  14. conceal [kEn5si:l] vt. 隐藏,掩盖
  15. hypothesize [haI5pCWIsaIz] vt. 假设,假定
  16. pigment [5pI^mEnt] n. 颜料,涂料
  17. mercury [5m\:kjurI] n. 【化】汞,水银
  18. give away: 泄露;暴露
  19. neutron [5nju:trCn] n. 【物】中子
  20. uncharged [7Qn5tFB:dVd] adj. 无电荷的,不带电的
  21. particle [5pB:tIkl] n. 【物】粒子,质点
  22. nuclei [5nju:klIaI] n. nucleus的复数形式;nucleus [5nju:klIEs] n. 【核】核
  23. gamma ray: 【核】γ射线(高能光子或波长极短的电磁辐射)
  24. emit [I5mIt] vt. 发射(电子)
  25. resemble [rI5zembl]vt. 像,与……类似;类似于
  26. mock [mCk] adj. 假的,模拟的
