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詹姆斯·卡梅隆——《阿凡达》之父美梦成真 James Cameron: Avatar, a Dream Come True

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James Cameron: Avatar  金球奖、英国电影学院奖、奥斯卡奖……到了3月,英美的各大电影奖项基本尘埃落定。候选的电影中,詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》一定还让大家记忆犹新。论“烧钱”与“挣钱”,论各项技术指标,这部影片都堪称绝无仅有。不过,小编觉得影片最最为人津津乐道的还是其导演——早就凭《泰坦尼克号》傲视影坛的卡梅隆为实现儿时梦想永不言弃的精神。

  3D or not 3D, that is the question. Hollywood has been making false starts and false promises about 3D since the 1950s. Now comes director 1)Jim Cameron.
  Cameron, of course, directed Titanic, the most profitable movie ever made. And he famously declared himself “King of the World” when Titanic won 11 Oscars in 1998. Since then he has been 2)immersed in a wildly ambitious and very expensive 3D science fiction fantasy that mixes real actors with computer generated creatures, the sum of which he believes will change the movie business forever.
  The movie is Avatar.

  Cameron: I’ve been working up to this for a long time. This is the film I think I always wanted to make when I set down the path of being a filmmaker.
  He wrote Avatar years ago, but had to wait for technology to catch up with his vision of blue people and alien worlds.
  Cameron: I’ve loved fantasy and science fiction since I was a kid. I’m an artist. I’m an illustrator. I’ve been drawing creatures, and characters, and robots and spaceships since I was in high school.
  Growing up in Canada, his passions were movies, art and science. After the family moved to California in his late teens, he spent some aimless years, dropping out of junior college, working as a machinist and a bus mechanic.
  Cameron: And then one day I just quit my job and started making a short film.
  Host: You once said, “I went from being a bum who liked to smoke 3)dope and hang out by the river to this completely obsessed maniac.” What was the turning point? What was the point at which you lost your mind?
  Cameron: Or found it? I think, you know, I found my calling. And I think the moment you’re making a film, no matter how crude, no matter how small or cheap the film is, you’re a filmmaker.
  He’d hang out at the University of Southern California library, reading up on the technical aspects of moviemaking. Soon, he had his first real Hollywood job.
  His first directing job was on a 4)preposterous bit of business called Piranha II. But Cameron and the Italian producer did not get along. And while in Rome, arguing with the Italians, Cameron had a vision. Literally.
  Cameron: I was sick, with a high fever and had a dream of this 5)chrome, metallic death figure coming out of a fire, kind of a skeletal robot, if you will. So I woke up with that image in mind, did some drawings. And then constructed a story around that image.
  That dream image became The Terminator. The movie put Cameron on the map, though his star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was not the studio’s first choice.
  From The Abyss on through Titanic, Cameron got a reputation for driving cast and crew 6)relentlessly—come hell or high water—to get this shot.
  Host: Do you ever 7)cross the line from being demanding to, I don’t know, impossible?
  Cameron: I like to think not, and certainly not lately. You know, maybe in the early days, there was a lack of perspective, where the movie was everything.
  Now Hollywood waits to see if the director still has his best stuff.
  3D believers see a revolution coming. 3D television sets hit the stores next year, aimed mainly at viewers who want to watch DVDs of 3D games and movies at home.
  And beyond that, ...
  Cameron: Maybe it becomes the standard for news gathering. Maybe it becomes the standard for sports.
  Host: So you think that someday not far from now we’ll be in 3D?
  Cameron: Yeah. I’ll be doing Avatar 10 and we’ll be having the same interview, but we’ll be in 3D.
  Host: God help us all.
  Cameron: Exactly.

