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优质睡眠七招 Seven Tips to Help You Sleep Better

1.Exercise.  Exercise will help us to fall asleep easier at night, so try to incorporate exercising into your daily ritual and you will find that you will sleep better in the night.
1.锻炼 运动让我们在晚上更容易入睡。所以在日划中安排锻炼,你会发现晚上睡得更香。

2. Schedule your time for sleeping. By scheduling your time for sleeping and sleeping at the same time for multiple days, you will set the bio clock in you to sleep at the same time every night.
2.安排睡眠时间 通过安排你的睡眠时间,并在若干天内都在内一时间入睡,你就为自己设定了睡眠的生物钟,每晚准时睡觉。

3. Prepare yourself to sleep. Once you know what time you are going to sleep every night, be sure to do your preparations so that you wouldn't miss the timing .For example, forming a habit of reading before sleeping.
3.为睡觉做准备 一旦知道了自己每晚什么时候睡觉,就要为此做些准备。这样你就不会错过这个时间了。例如,养成睡前看书的习惯 。

4. Do not eat heavy meals before sleeping. Do make sure that you had not eaten too much before sleeping. A light dinner will be great. A full stomach may make it harder for you to sleep and if you are hungry, snack on fruits instead of junk food.

5. Turn off your computer. Be sure to turn off your computer an hour before you sleep so that you will not spend a huge amount of time finding things that are interesting or checking out on the latest news.
5.关掉你的电脑 在睡觉前一小时,要确保把电脑关掉,这样你就不会花大量时间是搜索有趣的东西或者看新闻。

6. Ensure that your room is dark. When there is light in your room when you’re sleeping, it will affect your sleep quality. Turn any lights off or you can use a dim orange light. Draw your curtains to prevent outdoor lights from shining in.
6.确保你的房间处于黑暗中 如果你在睡觉时房间的灯还亮着,就会影响你的睡眠质量。关掉所有的灯或者只开一盏昏暗的黄光灯。拉下窗帘,阻止外面的光线进入。

7. Mattress. It is recommended that you change one that will help to support your body and make you more comfortable during your sleep.
7.床垫 建议你换一张能够贴合你的身体,让你睡得更舒服的床垫。
