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恶作剧之礼 The Etiquette of Hoaxing(3)

  I think that's up there, or down there, with failing to test the Bounce glass. And yet, I was secretly glad that he'd violated good form. I love being fooled, and it's happening less and less. I just don't feel I can let my guard down these days.
  “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,” says that man in Washington.
  “Narf,” say we.
  “No narf,” says he.

  As Joey has proved over and again, confessing that you've played a prank is part of what makes it a prank instead of 40)malicious mischief. Joey for president. Or someone else who won't say “no narf” when it's very exactly a narf.
  就如美国知名的媒体“整蛊专家”乔伊(Joey Skaggs)一次又一次地证实过那样,承认自己在胡闹,这种坦白正是使之成为一场玩笑,而不是一种恶意中伤的关键之一。应该让乔伊当总统,或者是其他那些不会以“no narf”来狡辩的人。 
  Oh, bring back the springtime of candy carrots and peas.

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