When I got married, I had a lot of grand ideas in my head of what married life should be like. I thought that our marriage would be 100% fair, completely 1)diplomatic, and that all household duties would be split 50/50. I thought my husband would be constantly self motivated, 2)perpetually thoughtful, and always 3)on my same wavelength. There would be beauty and harmony in my home. Never in a million years would I become that 4)shrewish 5)fishwife shrieking from the doorway because my husband had spent the night 6)carousing with the boys in avoidance of his husbandly duties. 刚结婚时,对于婚姻生活,我脑海里有过许多宏愿遐想。那时我认为我们的婚姻关系应该会100%公平,完全互惠互利,并且所有家务活都是对半平分。我以为我的丈夫会一直很积极主动,永远体贴,并且总跟我心有灵犀。家里充满了美与和谐。我万万没想过自己会变成那种因丈夫不守本分整晚在外与友人酣饮而在门口放声大骂的泼妇。
A mere month after we said “I do,” reality set in.
That perfect democracy fell apart the second I remembered that my husband is a pretty stubborn guy. If he doesn’t want to do something, he’s not going to do it and 7)screw you for making him repeat himself. I would demand that he help me with the housework; he’d sit on the couch like a spoiled child and ignore me. I would refuse to go shopping or make dinner in protest; he’d shrug his shoulders and order a pizza. If I asked him to drop something off at the post office for me, he would forget. But instead of just breaking down and doing it myself, I’d remind him. And remind him. And remind him again.
There was a phrase for what I’d become: A fishwife.
Of course, I blamed him. I wasn’t asking for so much. I just wanted to take turns cleaning the toilet. Wasn’t marriage supposed to be a partnership? Why wouldn’t he help me? Why didn’t he care about the things I cared about? Why wouldn’t he just bend to my will? Oftentimes, I would dramatically press the back of my hand against my forehead and tearfully exclaim, “You’re making me into such a 8)nag!”
I was such a 9)bloody martyr. The fights and the complaining and the nagging and the hurt feelings went on for quite some time.
Then one day, I was taking care of a certain little girl. I took her to the park where another group of little girls were playing dolls. Now said little girl did not have a doll to join in, but she just assumed that one of the other girls would share a doll with her. She 10)was in for a big surprise when all the other little girls refused. The little girl begged. The little girl 11)pleaded. The little girl 12)stomped her feet and with a shrill voice demanded that they be nice to her. She lectured them about politeness and sharing and 13)outright tried to bully her way into that playgroup. Still, the little girls clutched their dolls to their breasts and refused her access to them. Finally, with tears of frustration in her eyes, she ran over to me and said, “V! Make those girls share with me!”
然后某一天,我在照看一个小女孩。我带她去公园,那里有另一群女孩在玩洋娃娃。刚刚说到的那个小女孩想跟她们一起玩,但手上没有洋娃娃,她以为其中某个女孩会与她分享洋娃娃。当所有那些小女孩都拒绝与她分享时,她十分惊讶。小女孩哀求着,恳求着。她跺脚,尖声要求她们对自己友善一点。她向她们讲授礼貌及分享的道理, 甚至“霸王硬上弓”般硬要跟人家一起玩。但是,那些小女孩们依然紧紧地将洋娃娃贴在胸口,拒绝让小女孩去碰洋娃娃。最后,小女孩充满挫败感,满含泪水地跑向我,说道:“V!让那些女孩子跟我一起玩!”
“No,” I said, “It doesn’t look like they want to play with you. And to be honest, I’m not sure if I would want to play with you, either, with the way you’re acting.”
“But, they are the ones being mean!” she raged, “It’s nice to share and they’re not being nice to me.”
I 14)stooped down to her level and calmly told her, “Darling, you can not control how other people act. You can only control how you react to them.”
She was quiet for a minute and then she whirled around and screamed at the girls, “FINE! I WON’T PLAY WITH YOU THEN! I’M GOING TO GO SWING INSTEAD!” Then she stomped off towards the swings.
I leaned back on my heels for a minute and 15)contemplated the entire 16)scenario. Finally, realization hit me like a cold splash of water. I thought to myself: 17)Man, I am such a 18)hypocrite! After that, a single policy was adopted in my house. Namely: if it bothers you, do something about it.
Of course this means I usually do the majority of the housework considering that a 19)filthy house doesn’t seem to 20)faze my husband in the least. I also do the majority of the shopping because he’d brush his teeth with water every day for the rest of his life before he’d remember to pick up a tube of 21)Crest. His 22)pet peeve, on the other hand, is the laundry. Left to my own devices, every article of clothing I own would have to be dirty before I’d do the wash. My husband likes it done every day, so he gets stuck with that little chore.
Our marriage is not a 50/50 split like I first envisioned it. But there is definitely less complaining, nagging, and fighting. No one is a victim and no one is a martyr. Somewhere along the line, it occurred to us that life was too short to argue about who cleaned the toilet more.
This is not to say that we never suffer small 23)relapses. Just the other night, I was reading in bed when my husband said to me, “I cannot believe that you threw your pants on the floor two feet away from the laundry basket.” I replied, “I cannot believe you just stuck a piece of bubble gum to our24)headboard.” He looked at me and I looked at him. After a brief moment of silence, he picked up my pants. Before I went to sleep that night, I removed his gum from our headboard.
Ah, peace.