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幽默之我见(节选) Humor as I See It(2)

  He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. He ended by saying that he had a dog at his house that had a far better ear for music than he had. As soon as his wife or any visitor started to play the piano the dog always began to howl—10)plaintively, he said—as if it were hurt. He himself never did this. When he had finished I made what I thought a harmless comment. “I suppose,” I said, “that you find your sense of humour deficient in the same way: the two generally go together.” My friend was 11)livid with rage in a moment. “Sense of humour!” he said. “My sense of humour! Me without a sense of humour! 12)Why, I suppose I've a keener sense of humour than any man, or any two men, in this city!” From that he turned to bitter personal attack. He said that my sense of humour seemed to have withered altogether. He left me, still quivering with indignation.

  To me it has always seemed that the very essence of good humour is that it must be without harm and without malice. I admit that there is in all of us a certain 13)vein of the old original 14)demoniacal humour or joy in the misfortune of another which sticks to us like our original sin. It ought not to be funny to see a man, especially a fat and 15)pompous man, slip suddenly on a banana skin. But it is. When a skater on a pond who is describing graceful circles, and showing off before the crowd, breaks through the ice and 16)gets a ducking, everybody shouts with joy. To the original 17)savage, the18)cream of the joke in such cases was found if the man who slipped broke his neck, or the man who went through the ice never came up again. I can imagine a group of 19)prehistoric men standing round the ice-hole where he had disappeared and laughing till their sides split. If there had been such a thing as a prehistoric newspaper, the affair would have headed up: “Amusing Incident. Unknown Gentleman Breaks Through Ice and Is Drowned.”
  But our sense of humour under civilisation has been weakened. Much of the fun of this sort of thing has been lost on us. Children, however, still retain a large share of this primitive sense of enjoyment. I remember once watching two little boys making snow-balls at the side of the street and getting ready a little store of them to use. As they worked, there came along an old man wearing a 20)silk hat and belonging by appearance to the class of “jolly old gentlemen.” When he saw the boys his gold spectacles gleamed with kindly enjoyment. He began waving his arms and calling, “Now, then, boys, free shot at me! Free shot!” In his 21)gaiety he had, without noticing it, 22)edged himself over the sidewalk on to the street. An 23)express cart collided with him and knocked him over on his back in a heap of snow. He lay there gasping and trying to get the snow off his face and spectacles. The boys gathered up their snow-balls and took a run toward him. “Free shot!” they yelled. “24)Soak him! Soak him!”
  One can indeed make the 25)sweeping assertion that the telling of stories as a mode of amusing others ought to be kept within strict limits. Few people realise how extremely difficult it is to tell a story so as to reproduce the real fun of it. The mere “facts” of a story seldom make it funny. It needs the right words, with every word in its proper place. Here and there, perhaps once in a hundred times, a story turns up which needs no telling. The humour of it turns so completely on a sudden twist or 26)incongruity in the 27)denouement of it that no narrator, however clumsy, can altogether28)fumble it. Take, for example, this well-known instance—a story which, in one form or other, everybody has heard. “[3]George Grossmith, the famous comedian, was once badly 29)run down and went to consult a doctor. It happened that the doctor, though, like everybody else, he had often seen Grossmith on the stage, had never seen him without his make-up and did not 30)know him by sight. He examined his patient, looked at his tongue, felt his pulse and tapped his lungs. Then he shook his head. ‘There's nothing wrong with you, sir,' he said, ‘except that you're run down from overwork and worry. You need rest and amusement. Take a night off and go and see George Grossmith at the 31)Savoy.' ‘Thank you,' said the patient, ‘I am George Grossmith.'”


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