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王子与贫儿 The Prinee and the Pauper

王子与贫儿  这是美国作家、批判现实主义文学的奠基人马克·吐温在1882年发表的第一本历史幻想代表作。这篇小说是以16世纪的英国为背景,描写一个贫苦儿童汤姆和一个富贵王子爱德华交换社会地位的童话式故事。贫儿汤姆从小过着衣不蔽体、食不果腹的贫困生活,幻想着自己能有一天当上富贵的王子,而爱德华因厌倦死板、空虚的宫廷生活,也幻想着能到民间尝尝作贫儿的滋味。于是有一天,他们交换了身份,开始了新的生活。故事的想象极其丰富、语言幽默风趣。小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但其批评的矛头是指向19世纪的美国。读者很自然会联想到19世纪七八十年代美国劳动人民的艰难处境,很自然会联想到当时美国资产阶级政府的专横欺诈。小说还鲜明地表明了人人生来平等的民主主义思想和环境决定人物性格的唯物主义观念。

  英式发音 适合泛读
  an’ = and   art = are   be these = are they   costeth = cost
  dar’st = dare   dost = do   doth = does   grand-dam = grandmother
  hast = have   helpeth = help   lest = in case/unless   meanest = lowliest
  mine = my   repast = meal   thee = you   thou = you   thy = your
  Tis = it is   Twould = It would   withal = as well   would’st = would you

  Chapter 3Tom’s Meeting with the Prince (Excerpt)

  Here, indeed, was a king’s palace.
  At each side of the gate stood a motionless man-at-arms. At a respectful distance were many country-folk, and people from the city, waiting for any chance glimpse of royalty.
  Tom was moving timidly past the 1)sentinels, when he caught sight through the golden bars of a boy, whose clothing was all of silks and satins, shining with jewels. Tom’s eyes grew big with wonder and before he knew what he was about, he had his face against the gate bars. The next instant one of the soldiers2)snatched him away, and sent him spinning.
  The crowd jeered and laughed; but the young prince sprang to the gate.
  “How dar’st thou use a poor lad like that? How dar’st thou use the King my father’s meanest subject so? Open the gates, and let him in!”
  You should have seen that 3)fickle crowd snatch off their hats then. “Long live the Prince of Wales!”
  The soldiers presented arms with their 4)halberds, opened the gates, and Edward Tudor said—
  “Thou lookest tired and hungry. Come with me.”
  Half a dozen attendants sprang forward to—I don’t know what; interfere, no doubt. But they were waved aside and Edward took Tom to a rich apartment in the palace. By his command a 5)repast was brought such as Tom had never encountered before except in books. The prince, with princely delicacy and breeding, sent away the servants, so that his humble guest might not be embarrassed by their critical presence; then he sat near by, and asked questions while Tom ate.
  “What is thy name, lad?”
  “Tom Canty, an’ it please thee, sir.”
  “‘Tis an odd one. Where dost live?”
  “In the city, please thee, sir. Offal Court.”
  “Offal Court! Hast parents?”
  “Parents have I, sir, and a grand-dam—also twin sisters, Nan and Bet.”
  “How old be these?”
  “Fifteen, an’ it please you, sir.”
  “The Lady Elizabeth, my sister, is 14, and the Lady Jane Grey, my cousin, is of mine own age, and comely and gracious withal; but my sister the Lady Mary,—Look you: do thy sisters forbid their servants to smile, lest the sin destroy their souls?”
  “They? Oh, dost think, sir, that THEY have servants?”
  “And why not? Who helpeth them undress at night?”
  “None, sir. Would’st have them take off their garment, and sleep like the beasts?”
  “Their garment! Have they but one?”
  “What would they do with more? Truly they have not two bodies each.”
  “Haha…Thy pardon, I had not meant to laugh. But tell me of thy Offal Court. Hast thou a pleasant life there?”
  “In truth, yes, so please you, sir, save when one is hungry. There be 6)Punch-and-Judy shows, and monkeys—oh and plays wherein they shout and fight till all are slain, and ‘tis so fine to see, and costeth but a farthing.”
  “Tell me more.”
  “We lads of Offal Court do strive against each other with the 7)cudgel, sometimes.”
  “Tell me more.”
  “We strive in races, sir, to see who of us shall be fleetest.”
  “That I would like also. Speak on.”
  “In summer, sir, we swim in the canals and in the river, and each doth duck his neighbour, and 8)spatter him with water, and dive and shout and—”
  “‘Twould be worth my father’s kingdom but to enjoy it once!”
  “We dance and sing about the Maypole in 9)Cheapside; we play in the sand, and we do fairly 10)wallow in the mud, sir.”
  “Oh! If that I could but revel in the mud, just once, with none to rebuke me, I could forego the crown!”
  “And if that I could clothe me once, sir, as thou art11)clad—just once—”
  “Oho, would’st like it? Then so shall it be.”
  “她们要那么多干什么?难道她们有两个身子不成 。”

