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同一个世界,同一颗心 We Need to Feel More


  Everyone has the same basic needs and emotions. We must put aside our differences and come together as one in peace, understanding and tolerance.
  —Susan Polis Schutz
  We Need to Feel More
  We need to feel more to understand others
  We need to love more to be loved back
  We need to cry more to cleanse ourselves
  We need to laugh more to enjoy ourselves
  We need to be honest and fair
  when interacting with people
  We need to establish a strong ethical basis
  as a way of life
  We need to see more
  than our own little fantasies
  We need to hear more
  and listen to the needs of others
  We need to give more and take less
  We need to share more and own less
  We need to realize the importance of family
  as a backbone to stability
  We need to look more and realize that
   we are not so different from one another
  We need to create a world where
  we can trust one another
  We need to create a world where
  we can all peacefully live
  the life we choose
Susan Polis Schutz  Susan Polis Schutz,美国现代女诗人,贺卡制作商,生于1944年,在纽约一个名叫Peekskill的小村庄长大,7岁即开始写诗表达情感。她的丈夫Stephen Schutz也是纽约人,从小即学习绘画,喜爱音乐和艺术。他们俩在1969年结婚后不久花了一年的时间去旅游,沿路卖画为生。
  Susan曾长期通过写作为反战运动和妇女运动尽绵薄之力,后和丈夫创立蓝山艺术公司,从事贺卡制作,将其心声化作通俗易懂而又具有哲理性的诗句印在贺卡上。Susan著有One World, One Heart和To My Daughter, with Love, on the Important Things in Life等诗集,还是纪录片Anyone and Everyone的导演和制片人。
  One World, One Heart是Susan和丈夫在美国发生9 · 11事件后创作出来的颇具鼓舞性质的心灵读物,自2001年10月出版以来,已向世界各地免费赠阅了650万本。读读Susan Polis Schutz在该诗集的序里写下的心声,相信你会和她有所共鸣。
