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Out From Under--Britney Spears鼓起勇气 走出阴霾[附翻译]

      美国歌手小甜甜布兰妮终于咸鱼翻身,不仅捧走了三项MTV大奖,新专辑《马戏团》(Circus)也将在她27岁生日当天(12月2日)发行。新专辑延续了2007年布兰妮专辑《眩晕》(Blackout)的曲风。向大家推荐的Out From Under 就是Circus 里的其中一首。
      有人说这首歌的原唱是Britney Spears ,也有人说是joanna pacitti ,而Shelly Peiken 也翻唱过这首歌。三个人三种风格,选择自己喜欢的风格就好,就经历来看这首歌应该更适合Britney Spears ,就伴奏风格我个人更喜欢joanna pacitti 和Shelly Peiken 的。译文代表编者个人理解,与网站无关。

 Britney Spears 版本
Shelly Peiken 版本收听地址:

歌曲:Out From Under   
歌手:Britney Spears

Out From Under   走出阴霾                                                      

Breath you out 想忘记你
Breath you in 却又想起你
You keep coming back to tell me 你的身影不断告诉我
You're the one who could have been 你在我心里占有一席之地
And my eyes see it all so clear 那样的画面清晰可见
It was long ago and far away but it never disappears 虽然长久遥远 却不曾消失
I try to put it in the past 我试着淡忘过去
Hold on to myself and don't look back 坚持自我 不要回首

I don't wanna dream about 我不想再向往
All the things that never were 今非昔比的过往
Maybe I can live without 或许我可以无忧无虑的生活
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾
I don't wanna feel the pain 我不想再受伤
What good would it do me now 那对我有什么好处
I'll get it all figured out 所有情结都将解开
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾

So let me go 那就放了我吧
Just let me fly away 让我展翅高飞
Let me feel the space between us growing deeper 让我们之间的鸿沟
And much darker every day 随着时光不断塌陷
Watch me now and I'll be someone new 现在你会看到全新的我
My heart will be unbroken 我也不必再为你伤心
It will open up for everyone but you 除了你 我会接纳任何人
Even when I cross the line 就算是过往的藕断丝连
It's like a lie I've told a thousand times 也全都是千言难尽的谎言

I don't wanna dream about 我不想再向往
All the things that never were 今非昔比的过往
Maybe I can live without 或许我可以无忧无虑的生活
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾
I don't wanna feel the pain 我不想再受伤
What good would it do me now 那对我有什么好处
I'll get it all figured out 所有情结都将解开
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾

And part of me still believes 另一个我仍相信
When you say you're gonna stick around 你说会继续为我等下去
And part of me still believes 另一个我仍相信
We can find a way to work it out 我们之间仍充满希望
But I know that we tried everything we could try 其实我们早已试过千方百计
So let's just say goodbye 那就让我们各奔东西
Forever 永别

I don't wanna dream about 我不想再向往
All the things that never were 今非昔比的过往
Maybe I can live without 或许我可以无忧无虑的生活
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾
I don't wanna feel the pain 我不想再受伤
What good would it do me now 那对我有什么好处
I'll get it all figured out 所有情结都将解开
When I'm out from under 只要我逃出阴霾


布兰妮 斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)

     1981年12月2日生于美国路易斯安那州肯特伍德市,昵称小甜甜。当今世界歌坛最红的青春玉女,非“小甜甜”布兰妮未属。她有着动人的笑容和甜美的歌声,音容宛如甜蜜的糖果,尽人品尝,自然赢得了“小甜甜”的称号。她出道以来凭着其个性十足的青春气息和动感强劲的舞姿征服了全球无数歌迷,成为千万发烧友追逐的对象、美国流行音乐文化的方向标。1998年,布兰妮《Baby One More Time》属于一鸣惊人之作,Baby One More Time,抢下多国排行冠军,全球开出八百余万张令人吒舌的红盘,并列滚石杂志与MTV音乐频道史上百大流行单曲第25名、连续抱走最佳流行录影带、最佳新人以及最佳女歌手录影带等三座MTV音乐大奖,提名格莱梅最佳流行女歌手。陆续问世《Baby One More Time》、《I Did It Again》、《In The Zone》等大碟,创下Billboard专辑销售榜第一位连续四张作品首周空降冠军的女歌手。
