

一个人也是一支队伍 Gift for a Better Life

Because you’re constantly reacting to the world, it’s easy to notice what is happening right around you. You respond to what you read in a letter from a friend, what you hear in a phone conversation, what you learn on the television evening news about what’s going on in other parts of the world. You are part of that world. You’re 1)touched by everything that happens. Think of the whole world as made up of 2)interrelating parts and you are one of those parts. Meanwhile you are a whole person, made up of interrelating parts that are constantly affecting each other.阅读更多 »一个人也是一支队伍 Gift for a Better Life

猎鹿人的自述 Hunting Deer With My Flintlock

She took me by surprise. Though I had been 2)stalking her through the dense 3)undergrowth for about 40 minutes, I had lost sight of her as the afternoon light began to fade. It was getting late and I was about ready to 4)call it a day when, just as I 5)hit the 6)crest of a shadowy 7)depression in the mountainside, I caught a glimpse of her, a beautiful 8)doe, the 9)matriarch of a small 10)clan that 11)foraged behind her. She saw me, too. Even in the spreading dusk I could see her eyes as she glared at me. She 12)stomped out a warning on the rocky ground.
她让我吃了一惊。虽然我在密集的丛林中跟踪了她约四十分钟,但随着天色愈渐昏暗,我已无从寻觅她的踪影。天色已晚,我正准备打道回府,就在这时,我发现了山边若隐若现的颈脊曲线。我瞥见了她,那是一只美丽的母鹿,一小撮鹿群的头领,鹿群正在她身后觅食。她也看见了我。即使暮色已浓,我仍能看到她注视着我的双眸。她用脚跺着岩石地面,发出警示。阅读更多 »猎鹿人的自述 Hunting Deer With My Flintlock

情书 Love Letter


饥饿童年 Remembering a Hungry Childhood


爱就足矣——哪怕万物凋零 Love Is Enough (Song I: Though the World Be 1)A-Waning)

William Morris(威廉 莫里斯,1834-1896),英国工艺美术运动的领导人之一,世界知名的家具、壁纸花样和布料花纹设计者兼画家,同时还是一位小说家和诗人,也是英国社会主义运动的早期发起者之一,他出生于埃塞克斯郡的一个富商家庭。1851年,年仅17岁的他去伦敦海德公园参观了当时极富盛名的“水晶宫”国际工业博览会,却对展出工业品之粗糙极为失望,于是倡导了工艺美术运动,强调手工艺、自然主义和东方艺术,反对机械化生产和矫揉造作的维多利亚风格。他亲手为其新婚住所“红屋”所做的手工内部装饰一直享誉世界。

手捧你心 Holding a Heart


战胜拖延症 Conquering Procrastination


“越狱”人生 Escape Artists


杰出的拖拉者 Prominent Procrastinators
