Cloud Busting 买大炮阻冰雹?
The spirit of a 2)fabled 3)rainmaker is still alive and well in Californian farmers’latest attempts to control the weather.
It is tempting to say that southern California has not seen anything like it since the 4)heyday of 5)Hatfield the rainmaker, but John Diepersloot has an entirely different aim. Where Hatfield the rainmaker’s calling was to make it pour, Diepersloot, a peach and 6)apricot farmer from the 7)San Joaquin valley, wants to stop the 8)hail that can ruin his crop.
Diepersloot has installed 24 9)cannons on his 1,200 10)acre farm. At the approach of a storm, his 20 foot cannons 11)emit an electronic 12)blast. As the sound waves travel up into the sky, they disrupt the water that is gathering to turn into hail, causing it to fall as mere rain. At least that’s the theory, and an expensive one at that: Diepersloot’s cannons 13)set him back $50,000 to $70,000 each (£26,000-£36,000).
“It’s the science of nature,”Diepersloot told the 14)Associated Press. “The first year I had them, there was a storm where I saw my neighbor’s fields had damage and mine didn’t.”The scientific 15)establishment, however, sees things differently.
“It would have to be something pretty major to 16)upset hail,?said Charles Knight of the 17)National Center for Atmospheric Research in 18)Colorado. ’If you exploded an atomic bomb in a cloud, that might do something.”
Harry Andris, of the University of California, was pessimistic: ’There just isn’t a lot of technology that we can use to alter the weather. Some of the things that farmers try aren’t that effective. Unfortunately,”he added, “you have to buy them to try them.”The Associated Press goes on to say that “a small group of farmers in the San Joaquin Valley and across the country is putting faith-and tens of thousands of dollars-into hail cannons.”
“这是自然科学,” 迪普斯路特告诉美联社的记者,“在我买了这些大炮的第一年,来了一场暴风雪。我邻居家的田地都被暴风雪毁坏了,而我的毫无损失。”然而,科学机构却有不同的看法。