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如何要求他人重复话语 How to Ask Someone to Repeat Something

  “How to”是英国大使馆文化教育处制作的一个系列节目,以发生在不同情景下的对话,介绍各种地道的英文表达及英国文化常识。当听不清他人说的话,想对方重复时,除了“pardon”,还有哪些说法呢?

  A: Have you seen a green pen anywhere?
  B: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.
  A: I said “Have you seen a green pen?”
  B: Could you say that again?
  A: Green pen, see it anywhere?
  B: I'm sorry… I still didn't get that.
  A: I said “Have you seen a green pen anywhere?”
  B: Could you say that again?
  A: Green pen, see it anywhere?
  B: One more time?
  A: Have you seen a green pen anywhere?
  B: No. Sorry. Nothing.
  A: Have you seen a green pen anywhere?
  B: Look! I can't hear a word you're saying.
  A: I said “Have you seen a green pen…” Oh, there it is!

