She was as healthy as iron. She had the appetite of a crocodile, the stomach of a cellar, and the digestion of a quartz-mill.
— Mark Twain
马克·吐温在The Family Sketch一书中如此诙谐地描述家里代号为“第5号”的佣人。今年是马克·吐温忌辰百年,该书之前从未出版。
When the tiger gets out and starts creating damage, it’s insane to blame the tiger—it’s the idiot tiger keeper.
—Charlie Munger
巴菲特的合伙人、波克夏·哈萨威公司的副总Charlie Munger指出经济衰退的源头是政府对华尔街的监管不力。
Cigarettes kill people. Therefore, the government makes no apology whatsoever over what it’s doing.
—Kevin Rudd
With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations—none of which I know how to work—information becomes a distraction ... rather than a tool of empowerment.
—President Obama
I’m creating a team due to the avalanche of requests.
—Hugo Chavez
When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war.
—General Stanley McChrystal
美国驻伊最高指挥官Stanley McChrystal 将军历来反对使用Powerpoint制作幻灯片。当部下拿出一张Powerpoint制作的幻灯片来描绘美国在阿富汗的复杂军事部署及策略时,将军说了上面这番话。据《纽约时报》报道,该幻灯片看上去更像一碗意大利面(spaghetti)。
If the various estimates we have received ... come true, then we are in the situation where, 40 years down the line, we effectively are out of fish.
—Pavan Sukhdev
联合国环境官员Pavan Sukhdev根据调查数据预言,地球上的海洋到2050年将成为“无鱼之渊”。