Toe Tapper 足尖敲击者
Meaning: a male who taps his foot in a public restroom stall as a signal that he is looking for gay erotic pleasures.
自从李安导演的电影《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)上映后,很多中国观众都习惯了把“断背”这个词用来暗指同性恋者。现在又多了一个同样用来指同性恋的热词“足尖敲击者(toe tapper)”。这一词汇成为热门,主要归功于美国性丑闻议员拉里·克雷格(Larry Craig)。话说克雷格在某机场卫生间先用右脚不断有节奏地敲击地面,后用足尖触碰隔壁人的左脚,发出“猥亵行为信号”,可惜他不知道骚扰的对象是正在执行严打任务的警察。
That senator from Idaho got caught in the restroom. Who would’ve thought he was a toe tapper? (那位来自爱达荷州的参议员在洗手间被捕了。谁会想到他是一名足尖敲击者呢?)
Some people at the bar joked that a new movie entitled The Toe Tapper should be filmed since Brokeback Mountain became a big hit. (酒吧里有些人说笑道,既然《断背山》这么受欢迎,也应该拍一部名为《足尖敲击者》的电影了。)
Bet Dieter 打赌减肥者
Meaning: people who bet money on losing weight, particularly where the money goes to a charity or other organization that they don’t support.
打赌减肥(bet dieting)是英美两国新兴的减肥方法,而且越来越流行。其做法是:想要减肥的人加入某个打赌减肥网站(如StickK),并打赌如果减肥不成功就将一笔钱捐给他或她不支持或不认同的某个慈善机构或其他组织。那么,参与打赌减肥者就叫bet dieter.
Bet dieting is the newest rage and there are a few websites that enable it, such as StickK. (打赌减肥是最时兴的潮流,一些网站如StickK就很支持这股潮流。)
A new craze known as bet dieting is taking the United States and United Kingdom by storm. (一种称为打赌减肥的新时尚正如风暴般横扫英美。)
N00b 游戏新手
Meaning: a newbie. A new user of a game or an Internet activity with a lack of experience.
This n00b just charges in at the enemies and gets owned in the first ten seconds of the game. (这位游戏新手只顾着向敌方进攻,结果在游戏头10秒钟就被俘虏了。)
I can’t believe that guy has been here for four years but he still acts like a n00b. (我难以相信那个家伙在这里四年了,却还表现得像个游戏新手。)
Googleganger 谷歌替身
Meaning: a person who has an identical name to the searcher and appears in a list of GOOGLE search results.
It is so much fun to search a googleganger so as to discover how different his lifestyle is from mine. (网上寻找谷歌替身真的很有趣,这样便可以了解他的生活方式与自己的有多大区别。)
I have found two googlegangers: one is a successful businessman; the other is a sly hacker. (我找到了两个谷歌替身:一位是成功商人,另一位则是狡猾的黑客。)