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平淡如水的生活 A Life Less Ordinary



  Hugh: Do you ever feel like we aren't doing enough?

  Bridget: Excuse me? I've already cleaned the house and prepared dinner! What more do you want from me?

平淡如水的生活 A Life Less Ordinary  Hugh: No, no…I mean not doing enough with our lives. We do the same thing, day in, day out: take the kids to school, go to work. ①The same daily grind every day. We are in a really fortunate position. We have enough money for everything we could possibly want. Our children are happy and healthy. Don't you ever think about how we can help others ②who are worse off than us?

  Bridget: At the moment, all I'm thinking about is how I can get the kids to eat their vegetables. Where did this come from? ③Are you having a mid-life crisis?

  Hugh: I was driving home today and the traffic was all backed up. I decided to take a backstreet to bypass the jam, and I came across this homeless shelter. I pulled up at the red light and a guy from the shelter handed me this 1)pamphlet about them needing volunteers. There are all sorts of services they provide: offering meals, building shelters and homes, and even helping family members reconnect with each other.

  Bridget: That all sounds amazing. But what can you do to help? You are only one person. Can you really make a difference?

  Hugh: Well I'll never know unless I try. I'm going to go down there first thing tomorrow ④and see if I can lend a hand.

  Bridget: Well, I think that's really inspiring. Maybe after you see how it goes, you can encourage some of your friends to join in, too. It's great to see you doing your part.

  Hugh: Well, they say charity begins at home…

  Bridget: Perhaps you could start by washingthese dishes.

  Smart Sentences

  ① The same daily grind every day. 每天过着单调的生活。
  the daily grind: the daily monotonous parts of everyday life(单调的日常生活)。例如:
  I'm now back to the daily grind after my two-week vacation.

  ② …who are worse off than us? ……过得不如我们的人?
  worse off: not as good as sb.; worse than sb.(不如他人)。例如:
  I'm quite satisfied that my job and pay are not worse off than most of my schoolmates.

  ③ Are you having a mid-life crisis? 这是中年危机吗?
  mid-life crisis: refers to a period of dramatic self-doubt by some in middle age as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age(中年危机)。例如:
  Come on, you are only in your early thirties. It's too early for you to have a mid-life crisis.

  ④ …and see if I can lend a hand.   ……看看我能否帮上忙。
  lend a hand: help sb. (帮助他人)。例如:
  I'd be glad to lend a hand whenever you need me.
