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The Unknown Michael Schumacher 对话车神舒马赫

发音:美式发音 语速:160词/分钟 使用方法:泛听+复述

   He started racing 1)go carts in Germany at the age of 4. Today, the most obvious signs of his success are 2)chartered helicopters and his own private 3)jet. But at home in Switzerland, he continues to race go carts and play soccer with the local team. At the 4)track, his 5)dedication and focus are 6)legendary. He exercises 4 hours a day, mostly on the muscles in his neck to fight the 7)incredible G-forces he faces every race.
  Interviewer: Take me inside of a race; you there in the 8)cockpit…with your hands on the wheel…going more than 200 miles an hour. What are you thinking?
  Michael: It is very different. If I’m…If I just finished the corner and I am about to go on the long straight, it happens I…I think about my family, I think about my wife, my kids, what are they just gonna do at this moment. I remember, in ’97, I knew I was about to become a father, and I was thinking about that—how it’s gonna be, being a father.
  Interviewer: Still, at 200 miles an hour, there is a lot to keep him focused.
  Michael: Nobody of us wants to die, I mean, everybody wants to live. We don’t do it for the 9)thrill of the danger, we do it for the thrill of speed, sensation, being on the limit but not really wanting to go off and have
  an accident.
  There are racing risks he is not willing to take. One of them is America’s 10)premier auto race, the 11)Indianapolis 500. The cars may look similar and they drive at about the same speeds, but Schumacher is not interested and he is not afraid to say why.


  Interviewer: But you’re not challenged by the Indy 500.
  Michael: No. That’s...first of all it’s a…a step down from Formula 1, and second, it’s too dangerous.
  Interviewer: Too dangerous?
  Michael: Yeah.
  Interviewer: Michael Schumacher says, I don’t want to go there. It’s too dangerous.
  Michael: The speed you do, that close to the walls, if you have an accident, there is no way a 12)chassis can survive a certain way of having a crash and more, that means your legs gonna be heavily damaged or even further, and I don’t see any point in that. I’ve nothing to prove there. I…I don’t see a challenge in it.
  Interviewer: The fact that others have done it doesn’t make it any more challenging for you?
  Michael: No. No, because usually the people who can not survive in Formula 1, they go to “Indy”. People who coming from “Indy” hardly survive in Formula 1.
  Still, each time he climbed into his car, he has something to prove.
  Interviewer: You were the best in the world, and you are by everybody’s judgment. Nobody even questions that.
  Michael: You know, in sport, it is always questioned. You win a race, the next race it’s a question mark. Are you still the best or not? That’s…that’s what is funny, but that’s what is interesting and that’s what is challenging; you have to prove yourself every time.
