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“信”与愿违 An Unwanted letter

  Chuck: Hey, is Dad OK? He looked a bit shaken up.
  Sam: Nah, he’s OK. This came in the mail for you.
  Chuck: Oh, is it…yup, it is. The letter I’ve been waiting for.
  Sam: What is it? Your college acceptance letter?
  Chuck: Yeah. This letter is going to 1)determine where I spend the next four years of my life.
  Sam: Well, what are you waiting for? Open it up!
  Chuck: ①Hold your horses. Just give me a sec to prepare myself. OK, ②here goes. (Opens the letter)
  Sam: Oh. The face says it all. Bad news, huh?
  Chuck: What am I going to do? I had completely mentally prepared myself to be accepted. And I’d already begun packing my room. I’m supposed to be going to college. What did I do to deserve this? The world friggin’ hates me.
  Sam: (To himself) Gee, twice in one day.
  Chuck: What?
  Sam: Nothing.
  Chuck: It’s my own fault. ③I should have put my head down at school. If I got my grades up a bit higher, I would have been in for sure. ④I set myself up for this. Now I’m stuck here. I’m never getting out of this city.
  Sam: Hey, first of all, there is nothing wrong with the city. This is where we have grown up. This place has been good to us. And second of all, everything happens for a reason. Maybe you weren’t ready for college. You can get some work experience and life experience and then apply again next year, or whenever you are ready.
  Chuck: Gee, you are really good at this “staying positive” thing, aren’t you? ⑤But you do raise a good point. If I could get some experience in online sales and marketing, then I would absolutely 2)annihilate the course work once I get into college.
  Sam: ⑥That’s the spirit. See, there is an upside to everything. Turn that frown upside down.
  Chuck: I’m gonna call that friend of yours…Harris. He told me to call if I ever need a job. Plus I can work from home. That’ll give me time to do some personal study too and get ready for college next year.
  Sam: Harris? Yeah…you should give him a call…
  Chuck: Please don’t tell mum and dad about this. I’ll tell them when I’m ready.
  Smart Sentences
  ① Hold your horses.等一下嘛。
  hold your horses: wait and don’t start what you want to do yet(等一下,慢)。例如:
  No, hold your horses. Some people are not here yet.
  ② Here goes. 来吧。
  here goes: used when you are about to do or say sth. difficult or unpleasant(多在要做让人不快的事或说难以出口的话时用)。例如:
  Ken muttered “here goes” and gave me the stack of reports that I had to finish by the end of the day.
  ③ I should have put my head down at school. 在学校的时候,我就应该埋头苦学的。
  put sb.’s head down: work really hard on sth.(埋头做某事)。例如:
  Since Kyle failed math last semester, he’s been putting his head down on the subject.
  ④ I set myself up for this. 今天的一切都是我自找的。
  set sb. up for sth.: bring sth. upon oneself, often disaster, embarrassment or failure(自作自受)。例如:
  I knew Koven’s speech wouldn’t go well. After all, he set himself up for failure as he hardly spent anytime on it.
  ⑤ But you do raise a good point. 但你确实说到点子上了。
  raise a point: to mention an opinion for others’ attention(提出看法)。例如:
  Kathleen raised a few points on the matter of fairness.
  ⑥ That’s the spirit. 这就对啦!
  that’s the spirit: used to show approval of other’s idea(用以肯定他人的想法)。例如:
  —I am not going to worry about what my opponent will do. I’ll do my best!
  —That’s the spirit!
