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  1. 面试官的姓名和职位一定要写对。应聘者在写面试官的姓名和职位时,一定要非常小心,一旦写错了,将被视为非常不礼貌的行为,不但达不到预期效果,反而会弄巧成拙。

  2. 信函内容要让人感到热情真诚。如果应聘者在信中只是一味地重述“我非常喜欢或者仰慕贵公司”,或只是平淡地说“谢谢您的考虑”,会让人感到空洞无物、缺乏诚意,起不到实质性的作用。因此,除了客套话外,应聘者应着重谈及一些实质性的话题,例如自己的专业知识与经验能满足应聘职位的需求,以及自己对面试时某些问题的补充看法等。这样的内容才会引起主考官的兴趣,让他们看到应聘者的诚意。

  3. 感谢函的措辞要言简意赅、重点突出。外企人力资源部门的工作人员大多很繁忙,很少有时间来读那些长篇大论的感谢函,所以应聘者的感谢函要简洁明了、重点突出。

  4. 给每位主考官都发送感谢函。如果面试时有多位主考官,那么应聘者应尽可能给每位主考官都发送感谢邮件,每封邮件的内容也应根据面试的具体情况而有所不同。

  5. 反复检查,避免错误。应聘者在发送感谢函前一定要反复检查几遍,看看信的段落结构是否清晰,语言是否礼貌得体,避免出现拼写与语法上的错误。



  感谢函1 (应聘职位:营销部助理)

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the marketing assistant position at the HBC Agency this morning. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to marketing management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

  In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness (自信十足) and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

  I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as a temporary office clerk. This experience helped me develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

  I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you about this position.

  Kind regards,

  Sandy Anderson

  感谢函2 (应聘职位:客户服务)

  Dear Susan,

  I would like to thank you again for interviewing me for the Customer Service position yesterday. I really enjoyed meeting you after all our phone calls and learning more about the position and DLP Retail Corp.

  As I told you during the interview, I am very excited about the possibility of joining your team. I am convinced that my previous customer service experience in a similar environment will contribute positively to your department and the company as a whole.

  I would love to work as a member of your team and look forward to hearing from you soon with regard to my application.

  Thank you again for your time and interest. Please contact me if there is any further information I can provide.

  Kind regards,

  Sonia Wong

  感谢函3 (校园招聘面试)

  Dear Ms. Jones,

  Thank you for the time you spent interviewing me yesterday during your visit to the SBC Institute. I am very interested in your retail management trainee program, which sounds both challenging and exciting.

  As we discussed, I will complete my marketing degree in two months and am convinced that the skills I have learned during my studies will be of real benefit in undertaking this program. The temporary jobs I have had in various retail outlets have helped me gain a practical understanding of the retail environment and how to deal with the public.

  I would like to arrange an on-site visit to POP Outlets (商店) to learn more about the company. I would be grateful if you could arrange this visit for me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Thank you again for your time and interest.


  Wang Dongzhi

  感谢函4 (实习生面试)

  Dear Mr Smith,

  I would like to thank you for the time you took this morning to discuss the internship position available at REP Corporation. Both the interview and the company tour were very informative and enjoyable. I am excited about the possibility of an internship with such a respectful and dynamic organization.

  I am confident that this internship is an excellent fit for my abilities and skills. My accounting knowledge and computer skills will allow me to quickly become a productive staff member.

  I am enthusiastic about how much I am going to learn at REP Corp and can assure you of my commitment and motivation in this regard.

  I am very grateful for your time and the efforts you made to arrange my visit. I look forward to hearing your final decision.


  Zhang Maozhong

  感谢函5 (请求获得第二轮面试)

  Dear Mr. Brown,

  It was a pleasure finally meeting you after our numerous emails and phone conversations this morning, regarding the editor position.

  After talking with you, meeting the team and getting a better understanding of what is involved in the position, I am even more confident that there can be no better a match. During the interview, Mike Peterson showed me several recent projects, and Rose Anderson explained the process and gave me a look at the computer applications typically used. I am very familiar with the entire set-up and have done work almost identical to the ones shown.

  Currently, my schedule is flexible, and knowing your urgency to fill the position, I would like to meet Mr. Jones at his earliest convenience. Please drop me an email or a quick call with date and time and I’ll be sure to arrange my schedule around it.

  I really appreciate the time you took to interview me, and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Best regards,

  Sandy Williams

