随着市场竞争日趋激烈,越来越多的企业极力寻找敢于接受挑战、勇于承担责任、能够抵抗高压的高素质人才。而压力面试(stress interview)作为考核高素质人才的一种方式,逐渐在企业招聘中受到愈来愈多的青睐。
1. 面试环境
2. 主考官的身体语言
3. 主考官的提问形式
1. 质疑性问题
(1) 态度要得体。应聘者应保持冷静、自信,切勿因主考官的态度而变得不知所措,乱了方寸。
(2) 思路要清晰。应聘者在回答问题时逻辑要清晰,语言要简练;若是主考官对某个问题一直追问,应聘者也要耐心回答,直至主考官满意为止。
以压力面试中一个常见的质疑性问题“Aren’t you overqualified for this position?”为例,应聘者在回答这一问题时,可以参考如下的回答方式:“No, I don’t think so. My experience can only make me do my job better. In my opinion, my good design skills can help me design better books. My business experience will enable me to run the Art Department in a cost-efficient manner, thus saving the company’s money. Besides, I think I’ll be able to attract better freelance (自由职业者的) talents because of all my industry contacts. Finally, I’m interested in establishing a long-term relationship with my employer, and if I did well, I would expect expanded responsibilities that could make use of my other skills.”
☆ Don’t you feel you are a little too old (young) for this job?
☆ You haven’t had sufficient experience in this field, don’t you agree?
☆ You have been working for this company for several years. Why do you want to quit?
☆ Why were you out of work for so long?
☆ How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
☆ Would you like to have your boss’s job?
☆ What causes you to lose your temper?
☆ How do you handle rejection?
☆ How do you feel this interview is going?
☆ Why did you do so poorly on this test?
2. 负面性问题
(1) 简要说明自己的失败之处。
(2) 简述自己失败的原因并说明自己是如何改正或提高的。
(3) 强调自己在失败中汲取的教训或学到的东西。
以问题“Describe a time when you were not satisfied or pleased with your performance.”为例,应聘者可参考如下的回答方式:“I failed my first math test, which made me very unhappy. I wasn’t going to let this incident set the trend for the rest of the semester. I went to my counselor and arranged to meet with a tutor once a week. My tutor helped me out incredibly. My grades soon improved, and I went on to redeem myself from slip-up on the first test.”
☆ Describe a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your ideas.
☆ Describe a situation where you found yourself dealing with someone who didn’t like you.
☆ Describe a time when you failed to resolve a conflict.
☆ Whom do you dislike working with?
☆ What interests you least about this job?
☆ What did you like least about your previous job?
☆ What’s your biggest weakness?
☆ What is the biggest mistake you’ve made?
☆ What was your biggest failure in your previous job?
☆ Why weren’t your grades better?
3. 刁钻性问题
在压力面试中,主考官有时还会问一些极为刁钻、令人匪夷所思的问题,如:“Why are manhole covers round?”“How many piano tuners are there in China?”等。其实,主考官提问这些问题的目的并非是想获得精确的答案,而是主要想了解应聘者是如何思考、分析和解决这类问题的,从而考察应聘者是否具有良好的逻辑思维能力和创造性思维能力。因此,面对这类问题,应聘者无法也无须提供精确的答案,而是应该着重解释自己思考问题和获得答案的具体过程。
以问题“Why are manhole covers round?”为例,应聘者可参考如下回答方式:“First, a round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular opening, whereas a square manhole cover may fall in if inserted into the hole diagonally (对角地). Second, a round manhole cover can be easily moved by being rolled. Third, it’s easier to dig a circular hole and thus the cover is also circular. Finally, most manhole covers are made by a few large companies that only produce round manhole covers. A different shape would have to be customized (定做).”
☆ How many minutes would it take to reach the top of the Empire State Building?
☆ How many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day?
☆ How would you weigh a plane without scales?
☆ How would you move Mount Fuji (富士山)?
☆ How many telephone booths are there in New York City?
☆ How many golf balls were lost in England this year?
☆ How many new houses were built in Montreal (蒙特利尔,加拿大城市) last year?
☆ How many copies of Windows NT did Microsoft sell last year?
☆ What color is your brain?
4. 情景性问题
情景性问题是指主考官根据具体的应聘岗位提出的相关问题,例如:“You’re working late one evening and are the last person in the office. You answer an urgent telephone call to your manager from a sales representative who’s currently meeting with a potential client. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale. Tomorrow will be too late. You have the expertise to answer the question, but it’s beyond your normal level of authority. How would you respond?”
针对这个问题,应聘者可以参考如下的应答方式:“I’d take notes in detail and get all the related information. I’d then answer the question based on my knowledge and the information provided. I’d leave my manager a note and fill him or her in on the details. Next morning, I’d be sure to explain my decision as well as the thought process behind it.”
1. 自我放松、保持镇定
2. 耐心回答
3. 适时反问
当应聘者实在不知该如何回答主考官的问题时,也可以适时地向主考官反问。但是应聘者在反问时,一定要做到自然、礼貌、得体,不要让主考官认为你是在刻意反问。例如,在一家知名咨询公司招聘咨询顾问的面试中,在面试快要结束时,主考官突然提出了一个问题:“I’m not satisfied with your performance today. Do you know what answers are especially dissatisfying?” 听到这样完全出人意料的问题,应聘者如果一时想不出合适的回答方式,可以尝试着进行反问:“Would you mind telling me what answers are dissatisfying to you?”这样就巧妙地回避了这一负面性问题。