公元前559年,居鲁士二世(Cyrus II)统一波斯,建立起强大的阿契美尼德王朝(Achaemenid Empire)。此后的两百多年里,古波斯帝国的统治者完成了惊人的扩张。从美索不达米亚平原横跨到印度,从里海延伸到波斯湾,骁勇善战的波斯战士剑走偏锋,所向披靡。另一方面,波斯人浪漫多情,他们的历史中真实与传说交错杂糅,宛若梦幻:辽阔的伊朗高原是无数奇迹竞相上演的宏大舞台,波斯波利斯的温床更孕育了一部部神奇的天方夜谭。那个时代的波斯,也许就连在某个市场的角落做小本生意的老人,也能为你娓娓道出一段穿越时空的神话。
颇受瞩目的影片《波斯王子:时之刃》(Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)讲述的正是波斯帝国的一段传奇。作为一部商业大片,它并不仅仅满足于营造恢弘的场面,用单纯的感官刺激来轰炸观众,而是通过一位迷失的年轻人不断追寻、最终找回自我的故事向世人证明,能够改变未来的,唯有我们人类自身所拥有的最宝贵力量——信念。
当Dastan又一次和手下们打闹聚赌的时候,国王的弟弟Nizam亲王和国王的亲生子Tus王子、Garsiv王子正举兵向圣城Alamut (阿拉木图)进发。据Nizam的消息,阿拉木图城里可能隐藏着威胁波斯帝国的武器,还有一位意欲谋反的公主。好大喜功的Tus王子决心攻城,不明真相的Dastan最初摇摆不定,最后却天真地要求参战。
Tus: They're selling weapons to our enemies, Dastan.
Garsiv: An arrow such as this slew (杀死) my horse in Kushkan (伊朗某地). Blood will run in Alamut's streets for this.
Dastan: Or our soldiers will fall from its walls. Our orders were to subdue (制服) Kushkan, not to attack Alamut.
Tus: Wise words, little brother.
Nizam: Words won't stop our enemies, once they're armed with Alamutian blades (用作武器的小刀).
Tus: (再三犹豫之后) We attack at dawn.
Dastan: Well, if that's your decision, then let me go in first.
Dastan: We missed you, Father.
Sharaman: I ... was praying for you and your brothers, Dastan. Family, the bond between brothers is the sword that defends our empire. I pray that that sword remains strong.
Dastan: I was hoping my actions would spare (使免遭) our men unnecessary losses.
Sharaman: A good man would have done as you did, Dastan, act boldly and courageously to bring a victory and spare lives. A great man would have stopped the attack from happening at all. A great man would have stopped what he knew to be wrong, no matter who was ordering. The boy I saw in that square, was capable of being more than just good, but of being great.
Sharaman: What say you, Dastan?
Dastan: Uh ...
Sharaman: (面向众人) He plunges into a hundred foes (敌人) without thought, but before marriage he stands frozen with fear, and, for those who say he is not yet wise!
Tamina看似娇贵,事实上却是个独立爽朗的女孩,而且还精于武艺。她跟着Dastan只为了夺回阿拉木图的两大圣器之一:攻城之日被Dastan抢走的匕首——时之刃(the Dagger of Time)。令Tamina始料未及的是,她偷袭Dastan不成,反而让Dastan在无意间发现了时之刃的神力——当它与另一圣器时之沙(the Sands of Time)接触时,时间便如抽丝般倒流。而这一切都只有时之刃持有者才能意识到,其他人都对此一无所知。这也就意味着,时之刃为持有者提供了一个“神不知鬼不觉”地改写历史的机会。Dastan深深地为之着迷了。
Dastan: Incredible! Releasing the sand turns back time. And only the holder of the Dagger is aware of what's happened. He could go back and alter events, change time, and no one knows but him.
Dastan: You enjoy telling me what to do.
Tamina: Only because you're so good at following orders.
Dastan: Don't press your luck (得寸进尺).
Tamina: I'm desperate for a drop of water.
Dastan: Well, that's more than we have, since you emptied our canteen (水壶) hours ago.
Tamina: I wasn't born of this desert like you Persians, all shriveled (无能的) and angry. My constitution is much more ... delicate.
Dastan: I think you mean spoiled (宠坏).
Tamina: The wells for Alamut are famed (闻名的) for their clean, cold water.
Dastan: Perhaps less time admiring your wells and more time guarding your walls, and you wouldn't be here. Ah, a miracle! I've silenced the Princess.
Dastan: I didn't murder my father. That robe was given to me by my brother. Tus did this.
Tamina: And now he stands to be crowned king.
Dastan: I didn't kill my father.
Tamina: I believe you.
Dastan: You shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have let you come.
Tamina: But you did.
Dastan: You murdered your own family. Sharaman was your brother.
Nizam: And my curse.
Tamina: Dastan, the Sands contained within the Sandglass are incredibly powerful. Opening the dagger while it's inside the glass breaks the seal (密封装置) and destroys the Sandglass, causing it to crack and shatter. The Sands of Time would no longer be contained, and they would carry the Gods' wrath (愤怒) with them once more, destroying everything in their path, and all of mankind would pay for Nizam's treachery (背叛). This is all that would be left of us.
Dastan: No matter the consequences ... (试图自尽)
Tus: (经历了时之沙穿越时空后) Stop! A moment ago you died before my eyes.
Dastan: Oh, you pressed it!
Tus: How did you know I would?
Dastan: Because we are brothers.
Tus: On the day we left for war, our father told me that a true king considers the advice of counsel, but always listens to his heart.
Tamina: (Dastan挽着她的手,两人在逐渐崩塌的神殿边缘摇摇欲坠) Stop him! If the glass shatters, the world dies with it! It's not my destiny, it's yours. It always has been. Let me go!
Dastan: I'm not letting you go!
Tamina: I wish we could have been together. (主动放手,向深渊中坠去)
改变未来 像是龙卷风席卷大地,一切都化作尘土;又像是旋风扫净了落叶,混乱瞬间终止。当Dastan清醒过来时,他发现自己又回到了即将攻陷阿拉木图城的那一天。那些无谓牺牲的人都还活着,当然,大奸臣Nizam也还在。而这些人中,只有Dastan保留了对未来的“记忆”,只有他能阻止悲剧再次发生。
Tamina: How can I trust the man that breached (打破) the walls of my city?
Dastan: Well, I'm starting to think I'm no longer the same man who breached those walls.
Tamina: That's a short time for a man to change so much.
Dastan: Perhaps.
Tamina: It sounds as if you've discovered something here.
Dastan: And what might that be?
Tamina: A new spiritual awareness.
Dastan: A destiny.
Tamina: Yes, exactly.
Dastan: I believe we make our own destiny, Princess.
Tamina: You have an unfortunate lack of curiosity.
Dastan: No doubt one of my many flaws (缺点).
Tamina: Please don't mock (嘲笑) me, Prince.
Dastan: Oh, I hardly think we know each other well enough for that, Princess, but I look forward to the day that we do.
未来的确是可以改变的。但是,是依靠魔法或者电脑特技吗?其实我们每个人可能都经历过Dastan的困惑、迷惘和玩世不恭,也对未来充满着这样那样的憧憬却又一次次的失望。时不时,你埋怨生活欺骗了你,感慨迎接你的现实与你翘首以盼的理想怎么会存在这么巨大的差距。然而就像Dastan所说:“I believe we make our own destiny. (我相信命运皆由我们亲手铸造。)”这话虽然有点老生常谈的意味,但却是关于青春、关于奋斗、关于生活最有力却也最容易被人们忽视的真理。