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强强合力,共享商机 The IBM-Google Connection

  这篇讲稿是2008年5月1日Google现任CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)应邀在IBM的“业务合作伙伴领导人峰会”所作的主题发言。早在2007年10月份,Google和IBM就公布了一项云计算(Cloud Computing)合作项目。在这篇讲话中,施密特首先高度称赞了IBM在许多技术方面的开创性工作。接下来,施密特就双方的合作前景展开了阐述,指出最终所有设备都将连接到互联网上,搭建一个庞大的信息共享平台是大势所趋,IBM和Google有着共同的发展愿景,又能构成优势互补,可以说合作前景极其广阔。
  I’m delighted to be here.
  I started my computing career on an IBM 360-91, (and) which is a great machine, water-cooled, everything you wanted in a computer in the 1960s. When the IBM PC came out, that’s what I had. Now, of course, we use lots of 1)ThinkPads. And along the way, I’ve always had tremendous respect for the underlying architecture and technology 2)folks at IBM.
  So one day 3)Sam calls me and says, “We’d like your thoughts about distributing computing.”
  And I said, “Well, I think this, this, this…..”
  He’s a very, very nice guy. He said, “Well, we’ve already done those.”
  And all of a sudden I realized, these guys are ahead of me. They’ve actually thought through the 4)consequences of this new life that we’re building. And we immediately organized to partner with the technology, and the technologists and the vision from an extraordinarily well-led organization of IBM.
  So the reason I am here is to talk a little bit about what that means. What it means to us, to the world, to you, to our joint customers and 5)so forth. And I wanted to start by talking about information. It is my personal belief that the role of information is 6)underappreciated in politics, business and in the world. The rate of 7)innovation in the Internet is increasing. It’s accelerating. We have huge new opportunities for all of us together in mobile, platforms, right, enterprise businesses, and in the role of information in businesses. There are all sorts of interesting examples. Rice is in short supply, which is a terrible world crisis right now. One of the reasons rice is in short supply is that the rice farmers are using mobile phones to discover the world price of rice and discovering that the middle men are denying them their just profits. Fishermen are on boats, trying to figure out which port to go into using, again, mobile data connections to say, can I get a price over here, or a better price over there.
  This is a profound change in everyone’s lives, and not just in corporations in buildings, but with people and the way they think about markets and information, and so forth. And we’re on the edge of a truly great breakthrough. Now, I have been looking at breakthroughs and here’s a quote for you, “Great breakthroughs are closer to what happens in a flood plain.” It’s not one idea. A dozen separate 8)tributaries 9)converge and the rising waters lift the genius high enough so that he or she can see around the conceptual 10)obstructions of the age. So think of this as not a single idea, or a single company, but, rather, a set of rivers that are flowing in, which are getting stronger and stronger, and at some point it all 11)coalesces into a model that becomes so obvious.
  The key idea here is that computers are not alone. The computers act in networks. That if you can get the architecture right, this cloud-computing architecture, if you can get the development layers right, you can build these platforms. And that the platforms are more 12)robust than the one you did yourself, because you get the sharing. They’re architected in a way that provides tremendous customer value. And they literally change the world.
  And that’s what’s so exciting to be here, to do what I do, to do it with Sam and his team. And, frankly, to be here today. So with that, thank you very much.
