Sandra Bullock: Okay, the performance in the last decade that I was particularly moved by—there's obviously so many—but the one that came to mind was Kate Winslet in “The Reader”. Because I'm familiar with women from that generation in Germany and their 1)guardedness, and there's sort of a very cut off, 2)blunt, energy to them. When I saw it I was completely blown away. If I looked like Kate Winslet, I would act naked as well…all the time. But I don't, so that's why I don't do the roles Kate Winslet does. (laughs) 桑德拉·布洛克:好的,过去十年最打动我的表演……当然有很多,但立刻浮入我脑海的是《朗读者》中的凯特·温斯莱特。因为我了解那个年代的德国女人的境况,了解她们的处事谨慎,还有闭塞、麻痹,却热情似火。我看这部电影的时候,完全被折服了。如果我看起来像凯特·温斯莱特那样,我也会接拍裸戏,而且不断地接。可惜我不像她,所以我没有演到凯特·温斯莱特那样的角色。(笑)
☆ 《朗读者》(The Reader,2008)讲述的是二战后的德国,15岁的少年米高与36岁的中年女人汉娜之间令人嘘唏的忘年姐弟恋的故事。女主角凯特·温斯莱特(Kate Winslet)凭借该片一举赢得第81届奥斯卡金像奖、2009年英国电影学院奖、2009年德国哥比奖最佳女主角,以及2009年美国演员工会奖、第66届金球奖剧情类电影最佳女配角。
Jeff Bridges: I can't remember the guy's name—I think his name was White. His last name was White. Do you remember that movie “Chuck and Buck”? Yeah, I 3)dug that performance! I thought that was really good.
☆ 《查克与贝克》(Chuck and Buck,2000)是一部小成本制作的同性恋题材影片。该片赢得了2001年独立精神奖最佳故事片奖。
Julianne Moore: I think about Sean Penn in “Mystic River”, I think. Yeah, Sean was extraordinarily moving in that. I mean that was really…that was…that was really something to…to watch somebody have 4)actualized 5)grief that way. I can barely talk about it, but, you know, yeah, I think that one. It's that thing about…about loss, you know.
☆ 《神秘河》(Mystic River,2003)根据被称为“神秘小说顶峰”的同名小说改编,探讨了“儿童性侵犯”在日后对人的心灵造成的影响。该片使男主角西恩·潘收获了人生中第一座奥斯卡小金人。
Carey Mulligan: The one that's stuck in my head is Saoirse Ronan in “Atonement”, and I'd never seen her in anything, and she was, like, 12 years old or something, but I…I just remember the first 40 minutes of the film were the most, well, for me, the most interesting part of the whole film, and her especially.
☆ 《赎罪》(Atonement,2007)发生在20世纪30、40年代的英国,讲述的是一个有关宽恕和忏悔的故事。赛奥斯·罗南(Saoirse Ronan)凭借此片获得了2008年奥斯卡、金球奖、英国电影学院奖最佳女配角提名。
Woody Harrelson: That guy in “The Lives of Others”: 6)phenomenal! Yeah, Ulrich, I mean brilliant, and then he died after that.
☆ 《窃听风暴》(The Lives of Others,2006)是一部德国电影,将民主德国情报局令人发指而不为人知的大规模窃听对无辜人士的迫害公布于众。影片获得2007年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,男主角乌尔里希·穆埃(Ulrich Muehe)由此获得德国电影节及欧洲电影节最佳男主角奖。在《窃听风暴》拍摄期间,乌尔里希被确诊患上胃癌,于2007年7月病逝。
Christoph Waltz: I was 7)immensely impressed with “No Country for Old Men”. I 8)identify with it. I'm a great admirer of Tommy Lee Jones altogether because I think this is…this is how acting—well, if that's not too 9)irreverent to say—works the most beautifully.
☆ 《老无所依》(No Country for Old Men,2007)描述的是1980年美国与墨西哥边境一个充满黑暗、毒品、死亡和金钱的村庄。该片获得了第80届奥斯卡最佳影片奖。
Vera Farmiga: Michael Fassbender in “Hunger”, I would have to say. Fassbender plays Bobby Sands, and he goes on a hunger 10)strike. But you know, there's something about his face that is unlike anyone in the way it conveys emotional…emotion.
☆ 《饥饿》(Hunger,2008)围绕着主人公生命中的最后六个星期展开,他为了争取囚犯的政治地位而在监狱里发起了绝食抗议行动。
Tobey Maguire: I think I'm gonna have to break some rules here. I'm a bit 11)biased, but I'm gonna say Leonardo DiCaprio in “Aviator”. I thought he was just brilliant the way he built that character. It wasn't an impression of a historical figure; it was…it was him building a character from how he understood who the man was in this part of the story of his life.
☆ 《飞行者》(Aviator,2004)是一部讲述20世纪美国电影界和航空界创奇人物霍华德·休斯(Howard Hughes)的传记电影。该片是史上投资最高的独立电影,获得第77届奥斯卡金像奖11项提名。男主角莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)凭借此片获得金球奖和奥斯卡最佳男主角提名。
Colin Firth: I was actually trying to cast my mind back as to which films had been this decade, and now that I'm at an age where I'd…I'm not sure whether, you know, “Gone with the Wind” was this decade or not, and I just don't know where any…where to put anything in time anymore, but that's very easy: it's Kevin Bacon in “The Woodsman”. It just jumps out from all the rest. Kevin was playing a 12)pedophile who is released from jail. He's served his time. It's not clear to us at the beginning what it is exactly he's done, but the film is a very 13)daring attempt to take 14)arguably the most unsympathetic character 15)trait one could ever imagine and make that a trait in our 16)protagonist. And for Kevin to humanize the character in that way, you know, in any way, was an 17)enormous feat.
☆ 《森林人》(The Woodsman,2004)讲述了饱受十年牢狱之灾的强奸犯出狱后洗心革面重新做人的故事。