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愚人节恶作剧完美进阶五部曲 Five Steps to a Great April Fools' Day Practical Joke


  There's nothing quite like a good 2)prank. Whether you're simply 3)channeling the summer camp classic of sticking a sleeping 4)bunkmate's hand into a cup of warm water or plotting an elaborate Ocean's Eleven 5)heist-like scenario to pull one over on a buddy, when it all comes together in 6)hilarious 7)humiliation, you can't help but crack a proud grin.
  And there's no better time than now to talk to a couple experts on everything you need to know to appropriately 8)bask in the 9)tomfoolery this year.
  So, why do we pull pranks anyway? According to Tim Nyberg, author of The Practical Joker's Handbook and The Practical Joker's Handbook: The Sequel, such 10)wanton acts of entertaining 11)deviousness break the 12)monotony of the everyday. “Pranks are the part of the 13)seasoning that makes life interesting,” he said. “A sure cure for boredom is planning and executing a creative practical joke.”
愚人节恶作剧完美进阶五部曲 Five Steps to a Great April Fools' Day Practical Joke  话又说回来,我们为何要开玩笑呢?根据《恶作剧者实用手册》和《恶作剧者实用手册(续)》的作者蒂姆·纽伯格的说法,这些淘气的娱人诡计打破了日常生活的单调。“恶作剧是为我们生活添加趣味的调味料,”他说,“要打破沉闷,一个绝对有效的做法就是策划并实施一个富有创意的恶作剧。”
  Nyberg cited a number of motives from “just for the hell of it” to the joy of preying on a friend's 14)gullibility. Or, for revenge, of course. Ah yes, the payback prank. While the phrase “an eye for an eye, makes the world blind” is often attributed to Gandhi, we're pretty sure that even 15)Mahatma would return the favor of a 16)whoopee cushion slipped onto his seat by sprinkling itching powder into the 17)perpetrator's 18)jockstrap.
  “Is there any motive other than revenge?” said comedian and CollegeHumor.com writer Streeter Seidell, whose years-long war of 19)escalating pranks with fellow CollegeHumor employee Amir Blumenfield have become an Internet 20)sensation. “Even the initial prank in a war is likely spurred by some offense you feel needs to be rectified,” he added.
  But maybe you don't have any 21)grievances that need to be addressed. Maybe you just want to have some 22)devilish fun at another's expense. In that case, Nyberg advised 23)setting your sights on your friends, preferably one with a good sense of humor. “It's always best when both parties (eventually) find humor in the prank,” he explained.
  Speaking from the perspective of someone who has been on both ends of the joke, Seidell echoed Nyberg's suggestion. “I can always forgive Amir for whatever 24)caliber of prank he pulls because he's my friend and we work together every day,” he said. “But if some random person decided to 25)pull something on me just for fun, I can't say I'd be as forgiving.”

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