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后诺贝尔奖生活 Life After Winning A Nobel Prize

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  Host A: Winning a Nobel Prize comes with a number of 1)perks—a medal, of course, a Nobel diploma. There's also a cash prize worth more than a million dollars. And finally, perhaps most importantly, there is the 2)cachet, a Nobel is a Nobel. We asked three past winners to tell us what difference the cash and the cachet made in their lives.

  Responsibility 责任

  Host A: Last year, I asked Orhan Pamuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006.

  Mr. Pamuk: It made my life more busier, but then, it made also me more responsible person because now that I have even more readers, I want to write even better, in a sense. That all the things that I have dreamt about, addressing new readers, publishing new books, having a communication with readers from Vietnam to, say, Argentina. Now I have all these readers, and it's…it makes one so busy. But my love of literature is as alive as ever. A Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.


奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk)  奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk)被认为是当代欧洲最核心的三位文学家之一,是享誉国际的土耳其文坛巨擘。瑞典文学院在颁奖公告中说,授予奥尔罕·帕慕克诺贝尔文学奖的理由是:“在追求他故乡忧郁的灵魂时,发现了文明之间的冲突和交错的新象征。”帕慕克的作品故事情节曲折,语言简洁而有诗意,是诺贝尔文学奖得主中作品为广大普通读者接受的作家。帕慕克的作品被翻译成40多种文字,并获得过众多国际著名文学奖,其中包括法国文学大奖、都柏林文学奖和德国、意大利等国的优秀文学奖。他的著名作品包括《白色城堡》、《黑书》、《新人生》和《我的名字叫红》等。

  Demands 需求

  Host B: Now, to a Nobel of a more recent 3)vintage. Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel Prize in economics last year for her analysis of economic 4)governance. Professor Ostrom, how's the last year gone?

  Prof. Ostrom: Well, you have no warning of the heavy, heavy demands on you afterwards. It is a very great thrill to win a Nobel Prize, and I'm very, very appreciative. But I was not fully prepared for the amount of interest around the world. And I'm coping, but it's been very intense. I've been receiving about 15 invitations a week, and I am no longer able to accept any talks during 2011. And the accumulation for 2012 is piling up, and I'm going to have to tackle that in another couple of weeks.

  Host B: Well, I have to ask, what did you do with the prize money?

  Prof. Ostrom: Oh, well. We have a very, very active research center here at Indiana University. And our foundation is very responsible, so I gave the full sum to the Indiana University Foundation as part of an5)endowment to support ongoing research.

  Host B: Here's one thing I wonder. Winning a prize as huge and prestigious as the Nobel could, I guess, influence you in a number of different ways. Does it take a bit of the pressure off in terms of what you feel you still have to do?

  Prof. Ostrom: Oh, no. I wasn't aiming to win a prize. And so winning it doesn't take pressure off in terms of future research. Colleagues and I have been puzzling about a variety of key issues. It's a big challenge, and we're still working on that.

埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)  人物链接

  埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)是美国印第安纳大学政治理论和政策分析中心主任之一、政治学教授,美国著名政治学家、政治经济学家、行政学家和政策分析学家,美国公共选择学派的创始人之一。埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆获2009年度诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰“她对经济治理的分析,尤其是对普通人经济治理活动的研究”。她是首位获诺贝尔经济学奖的女性。

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