Meghan, 11, of Seattle, has a lot going on every day. "I practice piano, check my e-mail, read, and watch TV at night if I have time," she says. "I have extracurricular1) activities, such as soccer and dance, three days a week. I like to hang out2) with friends too. Usually, I fit most of these in ... but some activities don't make it." 11岁的梅根来自西雅图市,她每天都有很多事要做。“我要练钢琴、查收电子邮件、看书,如果有时间的话,晚上还要看电视,”她说,“我每周有三天会去参加课外活动,比如踢足球和跳舞。我也喜欢跟朋友们一起玩。通常情况下,我可以安排好大部分活动,但有一些事就没时间去做了。”
How about you? Do your days sound like Meghan's? Are you able to fit everything into3) your schedule? Unless you have a superpower that can stop time, it's probably impossible to be able to do all the things you want to do. But it is possible to do more if you set priorities4). That means you separate out the tasks that are really important and make sure those get done. Then you can make time for everything else!
Must-Do vs. Want-to-Do
"Balancing schoolwork with everything else in life is extremely difficult," says Amorray, 13, of Whitestone, N.Y. "The things that I want to do every day are different from the things I need to do every day." That's true for everyone. There are some things that you pretty much have to do (must-dos) for a healthy mind and body: Going to school and doing homework are two. You also must take care of yourself by getting nine to 10 hours of sleep a night, eating healthy meals, brushing your teeth, and bathing or showering. And you can't exactly avoid chores and responsibilities, such as making your bed or feeding your pet.
But you also have want-to-dos. Extracurricular hobbies such as playing basketball, practicing the violin, singing, knitting5), and rock climbing are want-to-dos. So are volunteering with your Scout troop6), hosting game night with your friends, and reading comic books.
"Although most of us would like to skip the things we have to do, we can't," says Harvard University psychologist Nancy E. Hill, who explains that must-dos should be your priorities. "The things that I must do every day, like walking the dog and homework, always come first," agrees Amorray.
Balancing Your Life
The key to balancing your life is to concentrate on your most important job. Right now that job is school. Focusing on school will pay off7) down the road8), no matter how hard it may be for you to buckle down9) right now. We promise!
School helps make people better thinkers and better "citizens of the world", Hill says. Success now may also make a difference when it comes to college and careers. "Focusing on school will increase your opportunities," says Hill. "When you do well in school, you will have many more choices."
Try some of the following strategies10) to help you prioritize schoolwork.
Write everything down. Get a weekly planner or notebook so that you have one place to keep yourself organized. "To make sure I don't forget an assignment, before I leave class I write down assignments in my planner," says Brendan, 13, of Seattle. Jot11) down due dates too.
Check yourself. In your notebook or planner, make to-do lists and put stars next to the must-dos. Check things off12) as you complete them.
Be neat and organized. Keeping papers, books, and school supplies13) in order makes it easy to find and use them. Arranging notes in a multi-pocket binder14), using a desk tray15) with compartments16), and sticking to17) an electronic folder system on your computer are some ways to stay organized.
Follow a routine. "Each day, I come home and finish all of my homework before I start my daily activities," says Amorray, who knows that having a routine helps her get assignments done. Build homework time into your daily schedule, whether it's after school or after a half hour of playing outdoors.
Create a study zone. Set up a regular space to do your schoolwork. Stock18) it with supplies such as writing paper, pens, and paper clips. Meghan likes to study in a cozy corner of her room. Pillows and blankets make it a comfortable "reading nook19)", she says. "I can really concentrate and get my work done."
Break it up. A 10-page report or a yearlong project can seem scary20). Try dividing the work into smaller pieces to lighten the load. "Projects are always a long, spread out process," Brendan says. "I take the full amount of days I am given and split the work so I am not stuck with21) any eight hour homework loads."
Work with family and friends. Ask your parents to help you set and meet goals and remind you of important deadlines. "My parents help me to fit in my schoolwork with my other activities," says Brendan. Ask a friend to be a study buddy22), and do homework together or quiz each other before an exam.
Everything in Place
If you try some or all of those strategies and still find yourself overworked and tired, or if you feel as though no matter how hard you try, you can't meet all your goals, you could have too much going on. Take a break, and talk to a parent, a guidance counselor, or another trusted adult about helping you cut back23) to a more realistic set of activities. You may have too much on your plate24)!
Managing school and other must-dos so you can fit in your want-to-dos will help bring balance to your life. "Learning how to prioritize the most important things ... while still finding time for fun is a skill that will help you the rest of your life," says Hill.
管理好学习和其他必须做的事情,就可以让你有时间做自己想做的事,这样将有助于平衡你的生活。 “学会如何优先处理最重要的事情……同时仍然能够挤出时间来娱乐,这是一项对你今后的人生很有用的技能。”希尔说。
After you get organized, you may even find you have extra time for some new activities. In fact, you'll probably find that you're a whiz25) at juggling26)—work and play, that is!
1. extracurricular [ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə(r)] adj. 课外的,课程以外的
2. hang out:<口> 闲荡;厮混
3. fit into: 容纳
4. priority [praɪˈɒrəti] n. (时间等方面的)在先,居前
5. knit [nɪt] vi. 编织,针织
6. Scout troop: 童子军
7. pay off: 得到好结果;取得成功
8. down the road: 在将来,今后
9. buckle down (to): 倾全力于,开始认真从事
10. strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] n. 策略,计谋;行动计划
11. jot [dʒɒt] vt. 草草记下,略记;匆匆记下(down)
12. check off: (经核对后)在……上打上“√”号
13. school supplies: 学校用品
14. binder [ˈbaɪndə(r)] n. 活页夹
15. tray [treɪ] n. (办公桌上的)文件盘;盛物盘
16. compartment [kəmˈpɑː(r)tmənt] n. 分隔的空间;分隔间
17. stick to: 坚持,坚守
18. stock [stɒk] vt. 在……中贮存
19. nook [nʊk] n. (尤指房间的)角落
20. scary [ˈskeəri] adj. 引起惊慌的,骇人的
21. be stuck with:<口> 无法摆脱,解脱不了
22. buddy [ˈbʌdi] n. 好朋友,伙伴;搭档
23. cut back: 削减;缩减
24. have too much on one's plate: = get a lot on one's plate <口> 要做的工作(或要办的事)很多
25. whiz [wɪz] n. <口> 非同寻常的人;奇才
26. juggling [ˈdʒʌɡ(ə)lɪŋ] n. 玩手技杂耍;变戏法