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Baarle is a small town with a split personality. It sits right on top of the border between the Netherlands and Belgium. So one part of the town is Dutch, the other part Belgian. Well, life can be pretty confusing because as well as the border sometimes splitting houses in two, there are also little Belgian 1)enclaves in the Dutch part and Dutch enclaves in the Belgian part. 巴勒是一个有着双重性格的小镇。它正好坐落在荷兰和比利时的边境线上。于是,小镇的一部分属荷兰,另一部分则属于比利时。镇上有的地方一间房子会被国境线一分为二,而且在荷兰那边有比利时人的聚居地,而在边界另一边的比利时也有荷兰人的聚居地,这里的生活因此变得相当混乱。
The municipality of Baarle-Nassau in the Netherlands is closely tied to the Belgian enclave of Baarle-Hertog. Very closely tied. Sometimes, neighboring houses are in different countries. It’s a very complicated border.
Resident: (via translator) I live in Belgian territory. My husband was born in the Netherlands and lives in Belgian territory, even though he’s still a Dutch citizen. It’s not a problem.
In fact, the enterprising residents of Baarle actually make the most of the border. Many local stores sell fireworks, for example, because in Belgium, they can be sold all year round, whereas in the Netherlands they’re only available a few days before New Year.
Everything here comes in twos, such as two catholic Churches and two teams workers of 2)raking up the dead leaves. Two teams of firefighters, two police forces, even though they do share a police station. And there are even two mayors. Jan Van Leuven, who’s in charge of Baarle’s 3,000 Belgian inhabitants and Jan Hendrix for the Dutch community, which numbers 6,000. Everyone gets along. It helps that they all speak the same language. When it comes to practicalities, they’re used to making compromises.
Hendrix: (via translator)You pay taxes depending on which country your front door is in. So if it’s in the Nertherlands, then that’s where you pay your taxes and fees, even if the rest of the house is in Belgium.
Newcomers often choose where they live for tax reasons. For others, it’s an emotional decision.
Jan Van Leuven: (via translator) If I feel Belgian, then I live in Belgium. If I feel Dutch, then I live on Dutch territory. It’s psychological.