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《哈利·波特》麻瓜指南 A Muggle's Guide to Harry Potter


  With the release of the last but one1) Harry Potter film, do you know your Hedwig from your Hogwarts, the Malfoys2) from the Weasleys and a Hufflepuff from a Slytherin? Here is our essential guide to leading your way around the magical world of author J.K.Rowling.

  Main Character   主要人物介绍

  ●Harry Potter   ●哈利·波特

Harry Potter  Harry Potter is an orphan who has to live with his horrible aunt and uncle—Petunia and Vernon Dursley—since his parents were killed when he was barely one year old. The infant Harry survived the attack with a lightning-bolt3)-shaped scar on his forehead. At the age of 11, he discovers he has special wizard skills. He goes off to the wizard school where he gets caught up in4) murderous mysteries.

Lord Voldemort   ●Lord Voldemort   ●伏地魔

  Dark wizard Voldemort (so feared that he is referred to only as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named") is the scariest character in the Potter saga5), driven by his lust for power into a life of evil. He killed Harry's parents and is determined to finish off6) their son too.

  ● Hermione Granger   ●赫敏·格兰杰

Hermione Granger  Hermione is one of Harry's closest pals. She is hardworking, angst-ridden7) and swotty8) but also kind and courageous. She has bushy brown hair, large front teeth and memorises the course books by heart.

Ron Weasley   ● Ron Weasley   ●罗恩·韦斯莱

  Ron is another best friend of Harry's who accompanies him on many dangerous and thrilling journeys. Ron is not too good at magic but is loyal and brave. He comes from a poor but loving family of seven kids.

  Spellbinding School

  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a co-educational, non-fee-paying boarding school for pupils aging 11 to 17. It is housed in a big castle next to a lake and forest and is run by Albus Dumbledore.

  The school uniform consists of robes10), cloaks11) and pointed hats. Pupils are also allowed a "familiar" such as a rat or toad12). (Harry's creature is an owl called Hedwig.)

  Hogwarts is divided into 4 houses, rather like a public school. They include Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor—each with its own ghost. Pupils are divided up between the houses—by the talking Sorting Hat—depending on their characters. Pleasant, easy-going types go into Hufflepuff. Those with a more than average inclination13) for study go to Ravenclaw. Bright and pleasant pupils, like Harry, go to Gryffindor. Pupils who are ambitious are welcomed by Slytherin.

  Students undergo a tough regime14) including classes in Herbology15), Charms16), Magic Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts, etc.

  Quidditch is the school's traditional game. The Quidditch season starts in November and sees teams of seven competing on broomsticks, divided up into Chasers, Beaters, Keepers and Seekers. The Quaffle17) and Bludgers18) are the balls and catching a Golden Snitch19) earns a team extra points.

  The Books 系列图书

  Each book charted a year's progress through Hogwarts School for Harry and his friends.

  We were introduced to them in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Sorcerer's Stone in the U.S.) in 1997.

  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets followed in 1998 and charted Harry, Hermione and Ron's second year at Hogwarts. This time around, though, the mood was darker as evil voices and messages pointed Harry towards an unsolved mystery.

  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban emerged in 1999. It told the story of Sirius Black, who escaped from the high security wizard prison of Azkaban and then tried to kill 13-year-old Harry.

  2000's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire involved a Triwizard Tournament that saw Hogwarts face two other schools of wizardry, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

  2003 saw the eagerly-awaited publication of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Phoenix saw Harry face expulsion20) from Hogwarts and the destruction of his wand.

  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out in 2005. In this book both Muggle and wizarding worlds were under attack from dastardly21) Death Eaters22). London was in peril23)as the boundaries between human and magical grew more precarious24).

  Finally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows disclosed all secrets in 2007. After fierce battles, good prevailed over25) evil. "The scar has not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

  Prototypes of Main Character

J.K.Rowling   Author J.K.Rowling took the name Potter from a family who lived four doors down from her when she was a young girl in Winterbourne, south Gloucestershire.

  The swotty Hermione is based on Rowling herself as a schoolgirl. Ron is based on her old friend, Sean.

  Harry is partly imaginary, but Rowling says there is a lot of herself in him.

  Then the Dementors (The Dementors are prison guards who track people by sensing their emotions. They disable their victims by sucking out all positive thoughts, and with a kiss they can take a soul—leaving the body alive but emotionless.) are drawn from Rowling's own experience of suffering from depression.

  1. the last but one: 倒数第二
  2. Malfoy: 德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy),哈利在学校的死对头,斯莱特林学院的学生。其父母也都是小说中的反面角色。
  3. bolt [bEult] n. 闪电
  4. get caught up in: 陷入
  5. saga [5sB:^E] n. <口> 长篇记叙;长篇故事
  6. finish off: 毁灭
  7. angst-ridden: 焦虑的;angst [B:Nst] n. (尤指对时世的)忧虑;ridden [常用以构成复合词]全是……的
  8. swotty [swCtI] adj. 苦读的
  9. spellbinding [5spel5baIndIN] adj. 使人入迷的,迷人的;引人入胜的
  10. robe [rEub] n. 长袍
  11. cloak [klEuk] n. 斗篷
  12. toad [tEud] n. 【动】蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆
  13. inclination [7InklI5neIFEn] n. 爱好,癖好(for, to)
  14. regime [reI5Vi:m] n. 管理制度;体制,体系
  15. Herbology [5h\:bClIEdVI] n. 药草学
  16. charm [tFB:m] n. 咒文,符咒;Charms: 魔咒课
  17. Quaffle: 鬼飞球,是一种鲜红色的球,速度较慢,把它射进球门中便可得十分。
  18. Bludger [5blQdVE(r)] n. 游走球,是一种沉重的黑色铁球,共两颗,会在球场中飞来飞去,试图把球员撞下扫帚。
  19. Golden Snitch: 金色飞贼,是一颗亮金色的球,来无影去无踪,只有胡桃般大,球身上有一对银色的小翅膀,抓住它可以获得150分,球赛也同时结束。
  20. expulsion [Ik5spQlFEn] n. 开除
  21. dastardly [5dAstEdlI] adj. 卑怯的;卑鄙的
  22. Death Eater: 食死徒(伏地魔的拥护者)
  23. in peril: 冒着危险
  24. precarious [prI5keErIEs] adj. 危险的
  25. prevail over: 胜过
