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潘普洛纳奔牛节 Running with the Bulls in Pamplona

  If you go to Pamplona, Spain, during the Festival of San Fermín, be sure to wear all white and tie a red handkerchief about your neck. Get dressed, look at yourself in the mirror and laugh if you must. But if you don’t dress 1)appropriately, you will most likely feel as 2)self-conscious as a 12-year-old child on his first day in a new school.
  The Festival of San Fermín, first made famous outside of Spain by Ernest Hemingway in his novel The Sun Also Rises (1926), takes place each year from July 6th to July 14th. No 3)adjustment is made for the day of the week on which the dates fall. Therefore, if July 6th is a Tuesday, the festival starts on a Tuesday. Regardless of the day, the town 4)literally celebrates non-stop for the entire duration of the festival. The only 5)discernable break between one day and the next is the running of the bulls (“el encierro” in Spanish), which takes place each morning at 8 am.
  Every kind of person can be found at the festival, but there are two major types of San Fermín 6)revelers. The most common is the one who parties all night and finishes the day by queuing up at 6 am to get a good view of the running of the bulls. Many of these partiers are encouraged – both by the festive spirit and the alcohol – to complete their day by joining the run.

Running with the Bulls in Pamplona  如果你在圣·费尔明节期间来到西班牙的潘普洛纳,记得要身着纯白衣裤,并在脖子上系一方红手帕。穿好衣服,照照镜子,如果实在忍不住的话,尽管大笑一番。不过如果你穿戴不合宜,就很有可能像一个第一天走进新学校的12岁孩子那样浑身不自在。
  圣·费尔明节最早是因为欧内斯特·海明威的小说《太阳照常升起》(1926年)而走出西班牙国门并声名远播的,在每年的7月6日开始,7月14日结束。无论开始的那天是星期几,日期从不作调整。所以,如果7月6日是星期二,那么节日就从星期二开始。不论是白天还是黑夜,这座小城在节日期间都会毫不停歇地庆祝狂欢。唯一能够明显将一天和下一天区分开来的,就是每天早上8点开始的奔牛环节了(西班牙语为“el encierro”)。

  Immediately after the running of the bulls has finished and the bulls have entered the 7)bullring (“Plaza del Toros” in Spanish), this group collects their sleeping bags from the bus station and wanders off to any piece of available green grass to have a sleep.
  The other type of San Fermín reveler is the one who has spent the night in a car, a campground or a nearby town (hotel rooms in Pamplona are usually booked out one year 8)in advance of the festival), and who join the 9)previous night’s partiers in the “encierro” viewing queue at 6 am. They then begin to party just after the last bull has passed through the narrow streets and entered the 10)arena. The bars in Pamplona, during the festival, are as 11)hopping at 9 am as are most bars in Spain at 2 am on a Saturday – and that is no small 12)feat.
  One should not think that San Fermín is 13)reserved only for those intent on damaging their livers with 14)excessive drinking. San Fermín is also a family festival with various areas set aside for children’s entertainment. There is at least one square that allows children the opportunity to be chased by a pretend bull. There is also a 15)carnival and traditional Basque Country注 sports such as stone lifting and tug-of-war.
  For those who decide to run with the bulls, a 16)command of the Spanish language will most likely not be needed to make friends with the other runners. The majority of people running are foreign tourists.
  One should also be aware that 17)valor is taken seriously during the running of the bulls. Therefore, any attempt by a 18)participant to jump out of the fenced-off 19)corridor before being in serious danger from a bull is likely to get that person pushed right back. Those choosing the safe route, and running well ahead of the bulls from the start, can expect to be 20)booed upon entering the Plaza del Toros. A list of injuries, along with the runner’s nationality, can be found in the local newspaper each day.
  Bullfights, with the bulls who participated in the running of the bulls that morning, take place daily at 6:30 pm. Tickets can be purchased for the following days’ bullfights beginning at 8:00 each morning. If you are unable to purchase a ticket, they can be had from 21)scalpers outside of the arena during the fight. These tickets can be expensive.
  After the festival has concluded, the locals put away their white shirts, white pants and red handkerchiefs until next year. While doing so, a smile may 22)curl on their faces as they remember the 23)novices who arrived so inappropriately dressed.

Running with the Bulls in Pamplona  奔牛结束、牛群进入斗牛场(西班牙语为“Plaza del Toros”)之后,这群人会立刻从车站领回自己的睡袋,溜达去任何一块可以容身的绿草地睡上一觉。
  What happens during the festival?   节庆期间有什么节目?
  Nothing can prepare you for your first Pamplona experience. The Spanish sure know how to party and the famous Festival San Fermín is no exception. Truly something that must be experienced first hand – there is a whole lot more to this festival than running with the bulls!
  Opening 24)Ceremony – the “25)Fiesta San Fermín” is officially opened at midday.
  Traditional dress for the Festival consists of a white shirt and trousers with a red waistband and neckerchief.
  During the day you can expect 26)atmospheric singing, dancing, 27)copious amounts of 28)sangria and non-stop partying in the streets.
  The Bull Runs – the best-known event of the festival is the “encierro.” This event is held each morning at 8 am from July 7th to 14th.
  Runners do not need to enter, simply turn up before 8 am in preparation for the run, which is 29)approximately 830 metres long.
  The runners begin and are followed by six Spanish Fighting Bulls, which are 30)herded by six 31)steers.
  The bulls run through the streets and on into the arena.
  32)Parade of the Giants – held each morning with giant-sized figures dancing and 33)swirling in the streets.
  Bullfights are held each evening from 6:30 pm in the arena when three 34)matadors fight two bulls each.
  At 11 pm each evening, fire bull is let loose for the children to play with. (Firecrackers are placed on the horns of a bull. Nowadays, the bull is often replaced by a runner carrying a frame on which fireworks are placed.)
  A firework display is put on each evening near the old 35)Citadel at 11 pm.
  Closing Ceremony – the locals gather in the main square, the Plaza de Castillo, to form a candle light 36)procession to the old church to bid farewell to the festivities for another year.


