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梵高:生命的欲望 Lust for life - Four Ways to Look at Van Gogh

Van Gogh 梵高  他是19世纪卓越的绘画艺术大师,在世界绘画史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。他用绚烂的色彩和挥洒的笔触带给世人无数永恒的画面:如火焰般绚烂的向日葵、星光满天的夜空、翻卷的麦浪……一幅幅无法复制的画作正是他充满苦闷、哀伤、绝望和激情的内心最深处的呐喊。孤寂、贫病交加、被世人误解—饱经苦难的他如同被剪断双翅的飞鹰,虽身陷绝境,却依然热爱飞翔,热爱蓝天上那高远的梦想。正如梵高自己所说:“生活对我来说就是一次艰难的航行……但我将奋斗,我将生活得有价值,我将努力战胜,并赢得生活。”

  “What am I in the eyes of most people—a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person—somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then—even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum.”
  —Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh1),
  21 July 1882

  He was prolific2) and protean3): He was a scholar and a sufferer, an art-world pro and a destitute outsider, an evangelical4) bohemian, both sordid and sublime. There are as many ways to see his pictures as there are ways to read his life. Some are stolid5) brown and gray. Others seem to detonate6) in a shrapnel burst of color, as if his world had begun to fly apart. Some are piercingly original. Others closely imitate other artists’ art. Apparent in these paintings are the combustible7) components that he mixed in his art.

  1. The Painter of Peasant Life 农民生活画家
Van Gogh-The Courtesan (1887)  Van Gogh painted among peasants, and in some part of his being he was one himself, as burdened and as earthy as a rustic8) out of9) Bruegel10), as soiled and as coarse.
  His studio in Nuenen11) was between the sewer and the dung heap. His shoes were broken, dirty things, and his mattress was straw. His poverty, his politics, his faith and his aesthetics bound him to the lowly. Van Gogh had preached the Gospel to peat-diggers and weavers, and had knelt in their mud huts, but his manners were not saintly. He smelled of wine and cheap tobacco. He got belligerent12) when drunk. He was really rather scary. Van Gogh couldn’t help but notice that his parents shrank away from him as if he were a “foul beast”. His father and his neighbors thought him ready for the madhouse.
  The colors of his early works are those of the earth.
  “One must paint peasants as if one were one of them, as if one felt and thought as they do. Being unable to help what one actually is. I very often think that peasants are a world apart, in many respects one so much better than the civilized world. ”
  —Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 30 April 1885
  2. The Collecting Connoisseur13) 收藏鉴定家
Still Life with Carafe and Lemons 梵高  Van Gogh was a sophisticate14).
  He was multilingual, widely traveled, well connected and well read. He’d studied Greek and Latin, and wrote powerfully and fluently in English, French and Dutch. His ties to the art market could scarcely have been stronger. Three of Van Gogh’s uncles were dealers by profession, as was his brother Theo, and for nearly seven years he had been employed in the picture trade himself in Paris and in London, Brussels and The Hague.
  Van Gogh was a collector. First, he purchased British prints15). “I now have a good thousand sheets of English [wood engravings16)], American and French,” he wrote in 1882. Then, with Theo, he bought graphics from Japan. In 1887, he arranged a public art show—not of his own paintings, but of flatly patterned, boldly colored Ukiyoe17) woodblock prints. His vast originality obscures his many borrowings. He copied the Japanese. The Courtesan (1887) imitates a Keisai Eisen18) print he’d discovered on the cover of a Paris magazine. Still Life with Carafe and Lemons (1887) is reminiscent19) of Cezanne20). Van Gogh also copied Rembrandt21), and, in 1889, Delacroix22)’s Pieta.
  He borrowed to the end. Daubigny23)’s Garden (1890), a landscape he completed the month before he killed himself, bows in two directions—toward Daubigny’s own landscapes and toward Claude Monet24)’s.
  “Uncle told me that Daubigny had died. I freely confess that I was downcast when I heard the news, just as I was when I heard that Brion had died (his Bénédicité hangs in my room), because the work of such men, if it is understood, touches us more deeply than one realizes. It must be good to die in the knowledge that one has done some truthful work and to know that, as a result, one will live on.”
  —Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 3 March 1878

  3. The Palette Explodes 激情洋溢的调色板
In Self-Portrait with Felt Hat   When Van Gogh moved to Paris, in March 1886, he seemed to have caught fire: He was suddenly a colorist. The incandescent25) canvases on which his reputation rests followed his conversion. He painted them all in the last four years of his life.
  Before, he’d kept to middle tones, seeking “the gray harmony”. Now, he turned to flaming reds, blues, oranges and yellows. Before, he’d practiced shading. Now, he saw it was “impossible” to deal at the same time with saturated26) hues and subtle tonal values27). “One has to choose,” he wrote, and what he chose was color.
  He used little bits of colored yarn to help compose his color chords. He no longer mixed his hues when he put them on his palette. Henceforth, he built his images of rhythmic, rhyming paint strokes, marking that his brush put down one color at a time.
  “I shall be an obstinate colorist,” he wrote.
  “The color laws,” he said, “are unutterably beautiful.”
  In Self-Portrait with Felt Hat (1887~1888), a force field of color reverberates around his head like a ringing halo.
   “It is my belief that it is actually one’s duty to paint the rich and magnificent aspects of nature. We need gaiety and happiness, hope and love… The more ugly, old, mean, ill, poor I get, the more I want to take my revenge by producing a brilliant colour, well arranged, resplendent.”
  —Vincent van Gogh to Wilhelmina van Gogh28), 9 and 16 September 1888
  4. The Shadow 阴影
In Wheat Field with a Reaper 梵高  Van Gogh pulled the trigger among yellow fields of wheat on July 27, 1890. He died two days later in his brother’s arms.
  “Vast fields of wheat under troubled skies” glow in his last paintings. His drawing and his coloring (with Van Gogh, the two are one) were still as strong as ever, and his long-neglected work at last was gaining notice, when he seized these final images. Their yellows shine like heated gold. Beyond the warming sunlight, the chilling dark descends.
  He long had known that shadow. His letters had for years voiced his intense suffering, his “overwhelming boredom”, his loneliness and loathing. He wrote: “It is only when I stand painting before my easel that I feel in any way alive.”
  His episodes of madness had been growing more acute. When seized by his attacks he had put a razor to his ear lobe, or swallowed clods of dirt, or turpentine29) and paints. Just days before his suicide he felt his life attacked, he wrote, “at its very root” .
  In Wheat Field with a Reaper (1889), Van Gogh had pictured death “on the point of smiling” .
  “I see in this reaper—a vague figure toiling away for all he is worth30) in the midst of the heat to finish his task—I see in him the image of death, in the sense that humanity might be the wheat that he is reaping… But there is no sadness in this death; this one takes place in broad daylight with a sun flooding everything with a light of pure gold… It’s an image of death as the great book of nature speaks of it—but the effect I’ve been looking for is—‘on the point of smiling’. It’s all yellow, except for a line of purple hills. A pale and golden yellow. I find it odd that I saw it like that through the iron bars of a cell.”
  —Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 5 or 6, September 1889
  In the end, Van Gogh welcomed dying. The black and jagged birds in Wheat Field with Crows, his final painting, predict what soon would come. Armed with a revolver, Van Gogh shot himself.

The black and jagged birds in Wheat Field with Crows
  Leaving behind a tormented and emotionally disastrous past fraught with despair and sorrow, Vincent van Gogh’s artistic contribution is unrivalled in its emotional complexity and the sheer power of a tormented soul’s creative capacity. He created some of the most enduring images of all time. We see them now, and they appear to us as old friends. Stars and trees, etched upon our conscious. This is perhaps Van Gogh’s greatest gift to us: The depth of his passion transformed through the tragedy of madness into visions that transcend time and space and become tangible visual icons of the human experience.
  1. Theo van Gogh:西奥·梵高(1857~1891),文森特·梵高的弟弟, 成功的艺术品商人
  2. prolific [prE5lIfIk] adj. 多产的,作品丰富的
  3. protean [prEu5ti:En] adj. 变化多端的,多才多艺的
  4. evangelical [7i:vAn5dVelIkEl] adj. 福音的,新教会的
  5. stolid [5stClId] adj. 不动感情的,缺乏热情的,冷淡的
  6. detonate [5detEuneIt] vi. 引爆,爆炸
  7. combustible [kEm5bQstEbl] adj. 易燃的
  8. rustic [5rQstIk] n.〈常贬〉乡巴佬,土包子
  9. out of:来自
  10. Bruegel:即彼得·勃鲁盖尔(Pieter Bruegel, 1525~1569),16世纪尼德兰地区最伟大的画家。他一生以农村生活作为艺术创作的题材,被人们称为“农民的勃鲁盖尔”。
  11. Nuenen:纽南,位于荷兰北布拉邦特省的一个小镇
  12. belligerent [bE5lIdVErEnt] adj. 好战的,爱寻衅的
  13. connoisseur [7kCnE5sE:(r)] n. (艺术品的)鉴赏家,鉴定家
  14. sophisticate [sE5fIstIkeIt] n. 久经世故的人,老油条,精于……之道的人
  15. print [prInt] n. (用照相制版法制造的艺术品原作的)复制品;印出的版画(或木刻画等)
  16. engraving [In5^reIvIN] n. 雕版印刷品,版画
  17. ukiyoe [ju5ki:jEujeI] n. (日本的)浮世绘
  18. Keisai Eisen:溪斋英泉(1791~1848),日本浮世绘画家
  19. reminiscent [7remI5nIsEnt] adj. 发人回想的,发人联想的
  20. Cezanne:即保罗·塞尚(Paul Cezanne, 1839~1906),后印象主义的代表画家,被尊奉为“现代绘画之父”。
  21. Rembrandt:即伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因(Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606~1669),欧洲17世纪最伟大的画家之一,也是荷兰历史上最伟大的画家。
  22. Delacroix:即欧仁·德拉克罗瓦(Eugène Delacroix, 1798 ~1863),法国著名画家,浪漫主义画派的典型代表
  23. Daubigny:即查理-法兰斯瓦·杜比尼(Charles-François Daubigny, 1817~1878),法国巴比松派的风景画家,被认为是印象派的重要先驱之一。
  24. Claude Monet:克劳德·莫奈(1840~1926),法国画家,印象派代表人物和创始人之一
  25. incandescent [7InkAn5desEnt] adj. 遇热发光的,白炽的
  26. saturated [5sAtFEreItId] adj. 饱和的
  27. value [5vAlju:] n. [画](色彩的)浓淡关系,明暗程度
  28. Wilhelmina van Gogh:威廉敏娜·梵高(1862~1941),文森特·梵高的妹妹,最早的女权主义者之一
  29. turpentine [5tE:pEntaIn] n. 松脂
  30. for all one is worth:〈口〉尽力,拼命
