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贾斯汀·比伯:新生代偶像魅力席卷全球 Justin Bieber:the Hottest Teen Sensation of This Summer


贾斯汀·比伯  Interviewer: You know, he’s just 15 years old, but his videos have been viewed more than 100 million times on YouTube. His debut album, My World, had the second biggest opening of any album back in 2009, and he’s here with me right now to answer some of my questions and some of yours.
  That YouTube video: how old were you, Justin, when you posted this?
  Justin: I was…I was, like, 11 or 12. And, basically, what got me started, I was in a singing competition and I was from a little town in Canada—like 30,000 people. I entered it and my friends and family that couldn’t be there were like, “You know, I want to see you. Can you tape it?” So I taped it. I uploaded on YouTube and I gave them a link and they went and watched it and then just a bunch of people started watching it and then I started getting more hits and more hits, so…
  Interviewer: So how many did you put on YouTube before you got notified?
  Justin: Before I was signed, I had, like, probably, like, 10.
  Interviewer: So how did it happen? Did someone call you and say, “Hey, I saw your song on YouTube?”
  Justin: Well, first, basically, I got this e-mail from…I think it was, like, 1)Maury Povich.
  Interviewer: Oh, yeah!
  Justin: He wanted me on his show to do this competition, and my Mom was, like, “No.” She’s a single Mom so she was, like, really 2)skeptical of the music business. She had no clue, we didn’t have a lawyer, we didn’t want to sign anything.
  After that, management started contacting us, different managers and stuff, and my Mom again was, like, “Sorry, we don’t have a lawyer,” so…ah…we finally got in contact. This guy contacted us, named “Scooter,” who’s my manager now, and basically stalked us a little bit, kinda got in contact with us, and finally my Mom was calling him back, sayin’, you know, say, “Listen, stop calling me.” And he was, like, you know, “I really see a lot in your son, like, I can…I can help you guys,” and my Mom was really skeptical at first then ended up talking for a couple hours, and he knew some lawyers that we could talk to and stuff, so, we ended up flying to Atlanta free of charges for him to check us out and get to know us an’…and yeah, and we ended up signing a deal with Usher a couple months later.
  Interviewer: Justin, you were how old at the time?
  Justin: I was, like, 12, 13, I was, like, 13.
  Interviewer: How freaky must…
  Justin: Yeah, it was crazy…
  Interviewer: Was that just…was your head spinning?
  Justin: My head was definitely spinning. I mean, I was, like, am I dreaming? It was kind of a surreal moment.
  Interviewer: Have you been singing all your life or is it something that kind of you discovered later? I know you’re very musical; you play piano, guitar, drums, you even play the 3)trumpet. Is that true? Are you good at the trumpet?
  Justin: Yeah. Yeah. Pretty good, I’m not, like amazing but I can play it.
  Interviewer: Yeah.
  Justin: So I play, yeah, the piano, the drums, the guitar and trumpet, but I started the drums really early. I was, like, two years old, and then started …
  Interviewer: That must have been pleasant in your house.
  Justin: Yeah, right. My mom was crazy enough to buy me a drum kit when I was 4, so, you know, just to have her support and…and ’cause my Mom, when she was younger, she wanted to be an actress and she…she got on a few local shows an’ she wanted to go to this school in Toronto, which was two hours away. My grandparents didn’t let her. They didn’t give her the chance, so my Mom was, like, I want you to have this opportunity, so…
  Interviewer: Who is your inspiration?
  Justin: My inspiration i-i-i-i-is…on a music level, Michael Jackson.
  Interviewer: Really?!
  Justin: Yeah.
  Interviewer: How was it…were you really upset when he passed away?
  Justin: Yeah, I was upset. You know, I’m not able to see or hear any new music, so that was disappointing, but, you know, he’s got a lot of great songs and his legend lives on.
  Interviewer: Is it weird for you that everybody, like, checking you out on the Internet: is that…is that strange or it’s just kind of part of your lifeand ...
  Justin: No, I think it’s great! You know, having the Internet is so great because it makes people feel like they’re a part of the whole process, like Twitter, for example.
  Interviewer: How many “tweets” do you do a day?
  Justin: Ahhh, probably, like 20 or 30.
  Interviewer: Really!? You…how many followers? You have, like, a million plus?
  Justin: Yeah, I think I have, like, hundred…a million two hundred thousand.
  Interviewer: Wow! Does all this ever sort of make you scared or nervous? Do you worry, like, “Oh,4)gawd, I don’t want to be another Tiffany or Aaron Carter”—not that there’s anything wrong with either of those—but you know a lot of people, sort of, they’re young singing stars and then it’s like, “OK, now what do I do?” Do you think about those things and how to kind of extend your career, or is it too early to even think that way?
  Justin: No, I mean, I don’t…I’m one of those people that, you know, dwell on the positive stuff. Like, I’m not gonna sit there and think “well, what if…what if, ” like, what if the sky falls tomorrow, like, you get…there’s a million…
  Interviewer: …or what if this all ends tomorrow?
  Justin: Yeah. I mean there’s so many “what ifs,” but you gotta just think of the positive stuff.
