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年青人,“低碳生活”弄潮儿 The Latest Fad Amongst the Youth


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年轻人的低碳生活   Here in China, as the awareness of climate change improves, realizing a low-carbon way of life, also known as reducing your carbon footprint, is a growing trend amongst young Chinese.
  Zheng Xiyu works at an office in Beijing’s Central Business District. Every day, it takes her roughly 40 minutes to go to work by bus. But she’s thinking of switching to a different mode of transport—a bicycle.
  Zheng works for a website on a low-carbon economy. This gives her better insight into environmental issues. She [is] also reducing the amount of carbon needed to power her daily life.
  Zheng Xiyu and her colleagues have created a low-carbon working environment. They also share with each other tips for developing low-carbon habits in daily life.
  Colleague: When buying clothes, I choose those purely made with cotton. Because it takes less carbon to produce cotton clothes. I’m also adapting to a vegetarian diet as research shows much of the carbon emissions come from raising livestock.
  Like Zheng Xiyu and her colleagues, more and more people are pursuing a low-carbon life.
  A recent survey shows an average 78% of all 17,000 people questioned have developed environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives. They are doing things such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at a temperature above 26℃in summer.
  On many popular social networking websites, people are advocating a low-carbon lifestyle. Their tips include using the stairs and public transport more frequently than elevators or cars. They hope this lifestyle will become more than just a trend within certain groups.
  As the most populous nation on the planet with the world’s fastest growing economy, China has become the second biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. The recent extreme weather in its southern regions reflect a serious environmental challenge.
  Experts say there is no time to delay with the effort to reduce carbon emissions.
