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十大令人期待的伟大探险(节选) The 10 Createst Adventures Still to Come(Excerpt)

  对宇宙的好奇,对未知的探求一直驱使着人类进行各种各样的探险活动。目前,人类已经完成了许多重大的探险活动,诸如阿波罗登月、到达南极和登上珠穆朗玛峰等。这些壮举改变了人类的世界观,拓展了人类的视野,让人类想要“站得更高,看得更远”!苍茫大地,浩瀚宇宙,的确仍有许多领域有待人类前去探索。下面就一起来看看美国Times 杂志盘点的人类正计划完成的十大探险活动,哪些是你最为期待的呢?

Marianas Trench in the South Pacific   1) Marianas Trench in the South Pacific
  The deepest point of the world’s oceans, the Mariana Trench, could swallow 2)Mount Everest whole with more than a mile 3)to spare. In 1960, U.S. Navy 4)Lieutenant Don Walsh and Jacques Picard in the 5)bathyscaph “Trieste” reached the bottom of the Trench at 35,840 feet deep. The vessel spent barely 20 minutes on the ocean floor, and only unmanned vessels have been back since. While man’s desire to explore the earth’s bottom is just as great as reaching its top, the ocean floor is no mere curiosity. Previously unknown organisms that can survive extreme pressures and utter darkness could be uncovered, and the Trench could yield new insights into 6)plate tectonics and earthquakes. It’s no exaggeration: four-fifths of the Earth remains largely unexplored and the Mariana Trench is the planet’s deepest mystery.

Extraterrestrial Communication  7)Extraterrestrial Communication
  The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project at the University of California is just one of countless endeavors continuously scanning 8)optical, 9)infrared and radio frequencies for signals from distant civilizations in space. Since 1999, more than five million computer users have run the SETI@Home program that recycles unused computing power to analyze data collected from 10)radio telescopes. 11)The International Academy of Astronautics already has established a 12)standing committee to advise political leaders what to do if someone discovers a signal from 13)ET. A confirmed message from another civilization would utterly transform society, taking the planet on an unprecedented journey into the unknown.

The Darién Gap   The Darién Gap
  If you’ve ever dreamed of driving a car the length of the American continent from Alaska to Chile, you’re out of luck. Near the Panama-14)Colombia border, the 15)Pan-American Highway suddenly ends at the Darién Gap, one of the most remote and inaccessible areas in the Western Hemisphere. The Gap is an 16)untamed wilderness of jungle and 17)swampland with no road infrastructure whatsoever, and it’s officially 18)off-limits to foreign travelers. The Gap also 19)features the crocodile and snake 20)infested Great Atrato Swamp, one of the last 21)uncharted regions on the planet. Oh, and if you’re going, 22)watch out for Colombian rebel groups, who have been known to kidnap would-be adventurers and hold them for ransom. Happy travels!


Deep Earth Exploration   Deep Earth Exploration
  The planet’s interior remains almost as much a mystery as it was when 23)Jules Verne wrote A Journey to the Center of the Earth. The deepest hole ever drilled is the 8-mile deep Kola Superdeep 24)Borehole in Russia, a modest achievement considering that the distance to the Earth’s center is nearly 4,000 miles. Deep Earth holds information that could make earthquake and 25)tsunami prediction a credible science as well as yield new insights into historic climate changes. But human exploration of the Earth’s interior will have to wait until technology can allow adventurers to survive the 26)searing heat and crushing pressure of Deep Earth.


Northeast Greenland   Northeast 27)Greenland
  Zoom in on Google Earth’s satellite image of Greenland and this message pops up: “We are sorry, but we don’t have imagery at this zoom level for this region.” Large sections of northeast Greenland remain unexplored, mainly because accessing the region is so expensive. There are mountains in Greenland’s Watkins range that have never been climbed; some peaks don’t even have names. New islands off the coast of Greenland are still being discovered as huge blocks of 28)glacial ice break away. Greenland also happens to offer a front row seat to the effects of global warming; ice is crumbling off the edge of the island at a rate of 20 billion tons a year, raising sea levels worldwide.

  29)Subglacial Antarctica
  We haven’t really been to Antarctica, we’ve only walked on top of the vast sheet of ice covering the continent. The interesting stuff is hidden beneath the two-mile thick continental 30)ice sheet. We know from satellite images that the world’s second largest lake lies beneath the Antarctic ice, as well as wide rivers, stony hollows, and 31)soggy land. Antarctica features a vast network of subglacial waterways that that could contain previously unknown forms of life. A team of Russian scientists is currently drilling through the ice sheet in an effort to take samples from one of the largest subglacial bodies of water, Lake Vostok. Finding a way to get a human explorer under the ice will be considerably more challenging, but just as there was a race to the Antarctic in the early 1900s, there may well be a race underneath the Antarctic in the future.

Subglacial Antarctica   冰川覆盖的南极洲
Time Travel   Time Travel
  It’s 32)a long shot, but some of the world’s top physicists don’t think time travel is impossible. Einstein’s 33)special theory of relativity combines space and time into a single entity, space-time, which does not prohibit the notion. 34)Stephen Hawking has proposed using 35)wormholes to connect our universe with an infinite number of parallel universes, while others have 36)advanced 37)black holes or 38)cosmic strings as possible time-travel 39)portals. Of course, just because the laws of physics don’t prohibit time travel doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. But a journey in time would be the ultimate adventure, an utterly transformative experience for the universe.


小链接:十大最具突破性的探险 The 10 Most Groundbreaking Adventures

1. 1969年,阿波罗十一号登上月球。
2. 1911年,英国人斯科特和挪威人阿蒙森比赛谁先到达南极点,最后阿蒙森带领的小队成功了,而斯科特及其同伴则死于探险途中。
3. 1953年,新西兰人埃德蒙·希拉里征服珠穆朗玛峰。
4. 1835年,博物学家查尔斯·达尔文乘坐皇家海军小猎犬号探索加拉帕克斯群岛——一串横跨赤道远离大陆的火山群岛。
5. 1927年,美国飞行英雄查尔斯·林德伯格独自飞跃大西洋。
6. 1961年,前苏联宇航员尤里·加加林飞上太空。
7. 1909年,美国海军的一位机械师罗伯特·皮尔利到达北极点。
8. 1947年,挪威人类学家托尔·海尔达尔用麻绳捆绑西印度轻木建造了一艘简易的筏子(“太阳号”),从秘鲁卡拉俄港出发,航行了101天,最终到达波利尼西亚。
9. 1943年,瑞士科学家阿尔伯特·霍夫曼不小心在指尖粘了一点麦角酸二乙基酰胺,在不到一小时的时间里,他看到“一连串不连续的奇异画面,各种出奇怪异的图形和千变万化的颜色”,从而进行了一次意料之外的“迷幻剂之旅”。
10. 1875年,27岁的前英国海军军官马修·韦伯上尉横渡英吉利海峡。
