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窃书不算偷?——你会花钱买原创论文吗? Outsourcing Homework: "Custom" Essays for Sale

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Homework  When you read about outsourcing, you might think about tech support or a call center. Well, how about term papers? Paying a 1)ringer to do your homework may be nothing new, but web-based essay mills are globalizing the business of cheating, sending student requests for customized academic essays to the Philippines, India and Nigeria. These are originals so they can bypass most 2)plagiarism detectors, and the middlemen are almost impossible to find.
  The Business 生意兴隆
  Host: In the old days, you might find an essay mill in the backroom of the college bookstore or somewhere downtown, but this is a little different.
  Tom Bartlett (Reporter): Exactly. So, this is all…this is all online. I mean, you were right. These aren’t anything new. But what’s new about them is how sophisticated they are and how global they have become, really.
  Host: And you, in fact, went on one of these websites and looked at the inner workings. Tell us what you saw.
  Tom: Well, I…I took a look at one particular essay mill. There are a bunch of them out there. And this particular company is…claims to be based in Virginia. It’s actually based in the Philippines. It’s run by people in the Ukraine, and most of its writers are in India and Pakistan. So, it’s a very global business. And each semester, they have thousands of students who put in orders for, as you said, custom essays. These are essays written…original essays, not essays from a database. These papers, in theory, are original ones. And so, there’s no sort of easy technological way to figure out the students are cheating.
  Host: And one of the examples you gave was a student who wanted a 3)dissertation for a course on aerospace engineering at MIT.
  Tom: Exactly. When people think of essay mills, I think they just think of, you know, freshmen who are struggling to write that paper on Emily Dickinson or whatever…and so, I mean, that’s cheating too. But I mean, I also saw lots of graduate students, students who are, you know, would be aerospace engineers, students who are going to be nurses, and law students. I mean, really, kind of across the board. And, that was a little…a little surprising and, I think, concerning.
  Host: And the cost of these?
  Tom: It ranges. You can pay $10 or $15 a page, or $50 or $60 a page. If you pay at that top level, you’re going to get a better paper, as you might expect. So, I mean, there are students out there willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for papers.

  The Buyers and the Sellers 买卖双方
  Host: And the question of conscience, you raise that not only with the people who write these for a living and they all seem to say uniformly, “Well, I did it because I needed the money.” And also, with the people who bought them who said, “Well, you know, it’s just for some initial ideas, for some initial research. I didn’t actually turn these in.”
  Tom: That’s right. The students I talked to, some said that they regretted using the service. They felt bad about it. They said this was the only time. Others were…weren’t sure that they’d really done anything…anything wrong.
  Host: And let’s go now to Bob. Bob’s with us from Wilmington, Delaware.
  Bob: Yeah, I was a writer, about mid to late ’80s in high school—this was before the, you know, the current 4)entrepreneurial set up was going. And I just sort of did it freelance on my own.
  Host: And how much did you make?
  Bob: I would charge about 10 bucks an hour. And I would only write if somebody had something they needed to write about—if it was of interest to me, I would write about it. If it was something boring, I wouldn’t bother to take the money. And I always…I guaranteed an A and always got it, too.
  Host: And always got an A.
  Bob: Yeah. I mean, there were other kids around there were other kids, you know, selling drugs or something, you know, nastier. And I was just selling parts of my brain, I guess.
  Host: Well, some might call it selling intellectual corruption.
  Bob: That’s...that’s true, too.
  Tom: Do you feel at all guilty about it, Bob?
  Bob: No. Not necessarily. I wasn’t helping anybody to become an airline pilot or a doctor or anything. This was high school. So I guess I rationalize it that way. I don’t say it was the right or good thing to do, but…
  Host: It’s not on your resume, let’s put it that way.
  Bob: No.
  Host: (To Tom) It should be pointed out that you interviewed some people who’s…some people who monitor these sites who say, look, some students order their copy of the paper or their assignment on the day they get the assignment. It’s not like they’re just struggling with this.
  Tom: Yeah. I think that’s true. I mean, there are some people who are repeat customers, who are going time and again. I’ve certainly seen notes on these websites from people saying, I want a writer throughout my entire degree program.
  Host: Tom, thanks very much.
  Tom: Thank you.

