Now it's not that the proper proposal will guarantee a successful marriage: I know too many men who had great proposals and rotten marriages. There are, however, certain elements in a proposal that are important and whose significance is not lost on today's women.
I have not met a woman yet who did not dream of a man on bended knee placing a band of gold on her finger. I have also never heard tell of a woman who didn't feel just a bit cheated when her 7)intended neglected to offer his knee and this 8)token. And my wife is no exception. As we 9)reminisced, she made sure to let me know that any other woman would have rejected my weak proposal based purely on “GP”—that's “general principle”—and I count myself lucky. 我还不曾认识一位女性不幻想一个男人在她面前单膝跪下,把一杖戒指套在她的手指上;我也从来没听说过有哪一位女性如果自己的未婚夫忽视了下跪并呈上求婚的象征这一环节而不感到上当的。我妻子也不例外。我们在回忆往事的时候,她总会让我记住,换成另外任何一位女性,她都会仅以“常规”为由拒绝我那个没有诚意的求婚——我应该明白我是很幸运的。
I am serious when I say that this failure on my part, more than any other moment, is my greatest regret. As Cher would sing, “If I could turn back time…,” I would give the moment the respect it deserves and give my wife a proposal to remember. Maybe I would take her to the top of a mountain and let my proclamation of love echo across the valleys below. Or, one night, when we strolling down a quiet street, I would take her hand, get down on my knee, tell her how deeply I love her, what a terrific mother she would be, and ask her if she would please allow me the honor of spending the rest of my life with her.