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Great Masters: Robert and Clara Schumann 钢琴家伉俪:罗伯特·舒曼和克拉拉·舒曼

  很多人都知道今年是肖邦诞辰200周年,其实今年也是另一位同样以创作钢琴曲闻名的音乐家——舒曼(1810 -1856)诞辰200周年。这位生性敏感、勇于创新的德国音乐家是浪漫主义音乐成熟时期的代表人物之一。

  Robert Schumann   罗伯特·舒曼
  – Herald [使者] of a New Poetic Age  ——新诗意时代的使者

Great Masters: Robert and Clara Schumann  From the time he was little, Robert Schumann knew that he wanted to write. The only question was whether to write words or music.
  Schumann’s father was an author and book dealer in the German town of Zwickau, which is where Robert Schumann was born in 1810. Schumann grew up surrounded by books, which he loved, but he also loved music. As a kid he took piano, flute[长笛] and cello[大提琴] lessons, and he started composing.
  When he was a teenager, Schumann put out his first book of poems and essays. Schumann still wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to be when he grew up, but clearly, lawyer was not at the top of the list. Even though he studied law at the University of Leipzig, he almost never went to class. But in Leipzig, he took piano lessons with a teacher named Friedrich Wieck, and that changed his life.
  Schumann practiced very hard, maybe even too hard. He attached[系上] a mechanical contraption[精巧的装置] to one of his fingers trying to stretch[伸展] it. Instead, Schumann did damage to his hand, which finished off his piano career for good[永久地].
  It didn’t matter that much to Friedrich Wieck that Schumann wouldn’t have a great career as a pianist, because the only one of his students Wieck was really interested in was his daughter, Clara. Robert Schumann became pretty interested in Clara too, but in a different way. In spite of the fact that she was nine years younger than he was, Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck fell in love.
  On her 18th birthday he proposed[求婚], but Clara’s father refused to let them get married. It wasn’t until years later, after taking Clara’s father to court, that Robert and Clara Schumann’s wedding finally took place.
  That was in 1840, which became Robert Schumann’s “year of song.” In that one year, he wrote well over a hundred of them. The German word for this kind of songs is “Lieder[民谣].” In English we sometimes call them “art songs.” They’re the ultimate[最根本的] combination of music and poetry, in other words, a perfect fit for Schumann. After the year of song, Schumann went off on a couple of other musical binges. The next year he worked on three out of his four numbered symphonies[交响曲].
  The year after that was Schumann’s year for chamber[室内乐] music, compositions for small groups of instruments[乐器], meant to be played in private homes or small concert settings.
  Schumann did become a writer as well as a composer. He was a well-known music journalist, who told everyone that Johannes Brahms and Frederic Chopin were great musical geniuses. And even though Robert Schumann didn’t become a concert pianist, there was still a famous pianist in the house, Clara Schumann.
  She gave the first performance of all Robert’s keyboard music, including his piano concerto[协奏曲].


  Out of the Shadows:   巾帼不让须眉
  Clara Schumann  ——克拉拉·舒曼

Clara Schumann  You hear all the time about fathers who, from the time their daughters are very young, work hard to turn them into sports stars. But before Clara Wieck Schumann was even born, her father decided that his child was going to be a famous pianist.
  Clara Wieck was born in 1819 in the German city of Leipzig, where her father, Friedrich Wieck, was a famous piano teacher. Clara’s mother was a musician too, a singer and pianist, who took lessons with and then married her piano teacher, namely Clara’s father. But the marriage didn’t last long. After the divorce,
  German law gave custody[监护权] of Clara to her father, and Friedrich Wieck set about turning his daughter into a musical prodigy[神童].
  In addition to studying piano with her father, Clara Wieck took violin, composition and lessons in all kinds of other musical subjects from all the best teachers in town. And she learned about running the business end[起作用的一头] of a career. Clara first played in public when she was nine. At 11, she gave her first solo recital[独奏会], a concert all by herself.
  As a teenager, Clara Wieck toured all over Europe. Back then, pianists mostly played flashy[浮华的] pieces that they had written specifically to show off. But Clara Wieck included music by other composers on her concerts: Bach, Beethoven, and Schubert, plus newcomers like Chopin. She was known as the “queen of the piano” and considered the equal of the best male performers. The Austrian emperor was so impressed with her playing that he made her the first female Royal and Imperial Chamber Virtuoso[演奏能手], a high honor given only to the best musicians.
  When Clara Wieck was 13, she started writing a piano concerto and got help with it from another one of her father’s students, Robert Schumann. Even though Friedrich Wieck had controlled every step of his daughter’s career up until then, he couldn’t control her love life, even though he tried. Clara and Robert Schumann fell in love, and when she was 18, they wanted to get married. Her father did everything he could to stop them, but eventually, love triumphed over all.
  Robert and Clara Schumann had a wonderful musical partnership. They studied music and poetry together, and gave each other composing advice. Clara Schumann played the first performance of everything Robert wrote for the piano. Through her concerts, she introduced his music all over Europe, everywhere from England to Russia.
  And talk about a super-mom, Clara Schumann had eight children and ran a household while continuing to perform and compose.
  During the course of their marriage, Robert Schumann got very sick. At first, Clara steered[驾驶,掌舵] him towards new jobs she thought might help him recover from his mental[精神的] illness, but eventually he needed expensive medical care, and Clara was the one who went out on tour to play concerts to support the family.
  Right before Robert had to go into the hospital, a young composer turned up on the Schumann’s doorstep with a letter of introduction from a musical friend of theirs. Johannes Brahms became a good friend of the family and helped Clara out while Robert was sick. Brahms and Clara Schumann wound up[终止,结束] spending a lot of time together. No one is quite sure if they were in love with each other or not, but when Robert Schumann died, they didn’t get married.
  Clara Schumann stopped composing then, but she continued to perform. Her remarkable concert career lasted 60 years.
