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橘子不是唯一的水果 Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit(2)

  Over the years I did my best to win a prize; some wish to better the world and still scorn it. But I never succeeded. There's a formula, a secret, I don't know what, that people who have been to public schools or 10)Brownies seem to understand. It runs right the way through life, though it starts with 11)hyacinth growing, passes on through milk monitor, and finishes somewhere at 12)half-blue.

  My hyacinths were pink. Two of them. I called the ensemble “The 13)Annunciation” (you have to have a theme). I thought it was a very clever marriage of 14)horticulture and 15)theology. I put a little explanation at the bottom, and the appropriate verse so that people could look it up if they wanted to, but it didn't win. What did win was a 16)straggly white pair called “Snow Sisters.” So I took “The Annunciation” home and fed it to our rabbit. I was a bit uneasy afterwards in case it was 17)heresy, and the rabbit fell sick.
  “It's not fair,” I told Elsie, later that same evening at the Sisterhood meeting.

  “You'll get used to it.”
  “And anyway,” blurted out Mrs White, who had heard the story, “they're not holy.”

  珍妮特·温特森(Jeanette Winterson)被誉为“当代最好也是最有争议性的作家之一”。1959年,温特森生于英格兰的曼彻斯特,自小由坚信宗教的夫妇收养。1978年,温特森与一个女孩相爱,离家出走。她在殡仪馆、精神病院等地留宿打工,但仍以全A的成绩考进牛津大学英语系。1985年,处女作《橘子不是唯一的水果》出版,这部带有强烈自传色彩的作品荣获了惠特布莱德首作奖(Whitbread First Novel Award)。由她亲自改编的同名BBC剧集也大获好评,获得各项国际大奖。其他代表作品有:《激情》、《樱桃的性别》、《写在身体上》、《艺术与谎言》、《苹果笔记本》、《守望灯塔》等。2006年,温特森以其杰出的文学成就被授予英帝国勋章(OBE)。

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