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As dictionaries are important in my English studies, how can I use them more effectively?


People tend to think that dictionaries just explain meanings and are rarely aware of the ‘range of services’ they provide. It’s desirable to own more than one good monolingual dictionary if at all possible, since together, different dictionaries give you a more rounded picture. However, the most important thing to do with a dictionary is really to use it, above all when you are reading. Use it till you truly know your way round it and enjoy what it offers you. Modern monolingual dictionaries provide some or all of the following services:
—British and American English variations
—structural information (for example, whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, whether it is followed by to or -ing; whether a noun is countable or uncountable, etc.)
—meaning (beginning with the most widely-used meaning)
—level of formality
—citations that a) bring out the meaning of the word b) are drawn from real use
—cross-references to other relevant entries
—usage notes
To get the most out of a dictionary, you need to extend your awareness of what it can do. There are also a number of extremely interesting variations on the standard dictionary, such as The Longman Language Activator which help you to choose the right word or phrase to express your ideas.

——结构上的信息 (例如:一个动词是及物动词还是不及物动词,它后面是接不定式to的形式,还是现在分词词-ing形式;一个名词是可数名词还是不可数名词,等等)
当然,要想充分利用词典,你必须明白它能做些什么。标准的词典中有很多有趣的英语变体,比如The Longman Language Activator就是这样的词典,它可以帮助你选择有助于表达自己的思想的正确的词或短语。